Posts Tagged 'mobile'

UX is the new semi-God

Over the past 2 months at Inkod-Hypera I learned a lot about the importance of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) in the process of making web (or mobile) products. First off, those 2 expressions are not the same, in fact, UX govern UI (in web-lingo: UX is the parent, UI is the child). Secondly, user experience (UX) is based on social and cultural trends whereas user interface (UI) is more based on technology – multi-touch, touch, mouse, command-line, speech, etc. The direct result of the latter is that user experience is both subjective in nature and dynamic, because it relates to an individual’s performance, feelings and thoughts about the system – that can change, over a period of time. in 1999 in 1999

Over at Inkod-Hypera we developed a proven methodology that puts great emphasis on UX, before Photoshop is even launched. We do product concept, benchmarking, usability testing, user interface planning (mockups/wireframes), functional specification and only then – guiding our in-house studio for the design aspect. During my time here, I’ve met with dozens of customers, 3rd party vendors, entrepreneurs, ad agencies, and more to get a feeling of how they perceive the field of UX and design. Unfortunately, especially with start-ups and 1st time entrepreneurs – the focus is still on the what, instead of the why/who/how.

Met this week a good friend, developer since the age of 12, ex-CTO, co-founder of 2 start-ups and CEO of a 3rd one, that told me ‘UX is the new semi-God‘. Not CTO, not the code, not the product (what) – but the business (why/who/how). And he said it took him 2 years to realize that, and outsource the work to an expert. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing the code in PHP, Java, .Net, or Rubi – the software will work. But if you haven’t figured out the user (who), the problem that needs solving (why), and the right way to solve it (how) – that’s not good.

I’m not saying ‘Hire us’, this is not a sales pitch (ok, ok –  half sales-pitch). I do say ‘work with experts‘ – you have developers, right? Hire UX experts, or outsource the work. in 2010 in 2010

As the internet evolves, and mobile becomes a larger aspect of our lives, I hope people will pay more attention to user experience, and understand its importance from day 1, not launch + day 1.

HTML5 Infographic

With its lack of Flash support in the iPad (and iPhone), Apple has opened a new front with Adobe in web and mobile design/development ‘wars‘.

I saw this infographic at Konigi blog, definitely worth the re-post: it describes the major features enabled by HTML5 that we need to be aware of – Canvas (1), video elements (2), geolocation (3), and offline storage (4). The graph also shows current and future support in web browsers: Chrome 5.0 is best (86%), followed by Safari 4.0 (79%) and Firefox 3.6 (77%). Those out there still using Microsoft’s browser, IE 8.0 is only at 26%. Click the image for full size (1200 x 1312).

HTML5 Inforgraphic

HTML5 Inforgraphic

Inkod-Hypera – Design and UI

During the past 10 years in IT my roles were predominantly in the end-user position – either selling or marketing of a product or a service. I was familiar with the process, just not part of it. Well, this has changed, as of June 1st.


Inkod-Hypera is a leading design company in Israel, doing some amazing (really amazing) and beautiful work in a variety of web and mobile projects. Our main focus is design, UI (user interface) and UX (user experience), in which we help hundreds of customers create beauty: Yedda, Remmikub, City of David, Sandisk,, National Geographic, MTV, aniBoom, adsMarket, Sparkeo, travelfusion,, Daka90, HOT-ynet, and many more.

As the Marketing Manager I handle strategy, lead generation, brand management and positioning, sponsorship and events, PR, BR (bloggers relations), community and social, marcom, online/offline, and other stuff as well. Here’s a profile slide that you can download/share around. For business opportunities (or just social), feel free to contact me at dvir at inkod-hypera dot com. Samples of our work – after the embedded slideshare presentation and online. Enjoy!

Inkod-Hypera Overview – Exclusive Designs

View more presentations from Dvir Reznik.
MTV - Web Visual Concepts

MTV - Web Visual Concepts

bee2gether - Facebook apps UI & Design

bee2gether - Facebook apps UI & Design

Remmikub - Visual Concept and

Remmikub - Web UX, Visual Concept and Animation

HOT-ynet video portal - Web Portal UI & Design

HOT-ynet video portal - Web Portal UI & Design

Ormat - Web Corporate UI & Design

Ormat - Web Corporate UI & Design

Nokia Apps Review – Waze (GPS)

Location based services (LBS) are a hot topic now, owing the success to the built-in GPS chips available in every mobile smartphone sold today. In Israel, every cellular provider (4) has its own GPS application, which costs extra $$ monthly to use, and users, like myself, decided to look for alternatives [HE review].


2 years ago I came across Waze, a social mobile application providing free turn-by-turn navigation based on the live conditions of the road. The idea is simple – waze provides the software, but the users are the driving force behind it:  the more you drive, the better it gets. Each driver shares his location and road conditions with fellow ‘wazers’, alerting them of traffic jams, police, and accidents. Twitter and Foursquare integration are also available.

Waze is available for iPhone, Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile and Blackberry (Beta). Simply point your phone’s browser to or follow the instructions here. The symbian version (officially) works with Nokia E66/71/72/75 and N82/85/95/95 8GB/96/97. Personally, I know it’s been used with Nokia 5800, N86, and E52.

Waze are doing an excellent work online with their community, sporting a company blog, users-blog, forums, wiki, hall of fame users (each report is worth points), recent map updates (by location), twitter (global and Israel) and much more.

Here’s what Scobleizer had to say about Waze, in a recent visit to Israel:

Giveaways: Tickets to TheMarker Com.Vention

Update [April 27th, 5pm GMT+3]:

Thank you all for commenting and participating. The winners have been notified by email an hour ago. Hope to see you all Sunday.


TheMarker Com.Vention is the prominent internet event in Israel, with known figures from the SU, VC, Marketing, Content and TV, Advertising and Internet industries (local and global) – and I have 10 complimentary tickets (worth ~$100 each) to share with you!

TheMarker Com.Vention

In the spirit of networking and sharing, I’ve decided to do a ‘Pay It Forward‘ kind of thing, and give each ‘winner’ 2 tickets: one for you and the other for someone from your network, whom you met via a social network (facebook/twitter/LinkedIn/Foursquare/etc), that haven’t attended Com.Vention before. So basically, you get to pick a ticket winner.

Here’s what you need to do in order to win a ticket to TheMarker Com.Vention:

  1. Explore your wall/stream and find someone that hasn’t attended Com.Vention yet.
  2. Post a comment to this post (name, email – not public, website), with your name, your friend-from-the-web name and the social match-maker name.
  3. That’s it!

Then, I will cross-reference the names with TheMarker (to verify your friend-from-the-web didn’t attend previously) and research the social network in question (to assess the relationship). First 5 ‘couples’ that will get it right – met via a social network and friend-from-the-web hasn’t attended before, will receive the tickets. Last date to submit entries is Thursday, April 29th at 18:00 Israel time (GMT+3). Winners will be announced here and contacted via email for the logistics, so please watch your typing.

This year there are very interesting panels and sessions: ‘Mobile Internet – Who’s going to benefit most from the boom?’, ‘Life on demand – how consumers are changing the life of E-commerce’, ‘Who will control the content’ and more. Full agenda is available here, speakers list here, twitter tag is #com2010, and facebook page.

See you Sunday!

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.