Posts Tagged 'apple ipad'

HTML5 Infographic

With its lack of Flash support in the iPad (and iPhone), Apple has opened a new front with Adobe in web and mobile design/development ‘wars‘.

I saw this infographic at Konigi blog, definitely worth the re-post: it describes the major features enabled by HTML5 that we need to be aware of – Canvas (1), video elements (2), geolocation (3), and offline storage (4). The graph also shows current and future support in web browsers: Chrome 5.0 is best (86%), followed by Safari 4.0 (79%) and Firefox 3.6 (77%). Those out there still using Microsoft’s browser, IE 8.0 is only at 26%. Click the image for full size (1200 x 1312).

HTML5 Inforgraphic

HTML5 Inforgraphic

Apple iPad: No one better gift it to me

The Hitler parodies are spreading fast, with numerous versions to daily news.

This time, they were very quick in the production (although it’s probably on a template), but crazy hilarious: Hitler responds to iPad. And thanks to Ayelet for facebooking this and making me laugh!

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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