Posts Tagged 'apps'

Inkod-Hypera – Design and UI

During the past 10 years in IT my roles were predominantly in the end-user position – either selling or marketing of a product or a service. I was familiar with the process, just not part of it. Well, this has changed, as of June 1st.


Inkod-Hypera is a leading design company in Israel, doing some amazing (really amazing) and beautiful work in a variety of web and mobile projects. Our main focus is design, UI (user interface) and UX (user experience), in which we help hundreds of customers create beauty: Yedda, Remmikub, City of David, Sandisk,, National Geographic, MTV, aniBoom, adsMarket, Sparkeo, travelfusion,, Daka90, HOT-ynet, and many more.

As the Marketing Manager I handle strategy, lead generation, brand management and positioning, sponsorship and events, PR, BR (bloggers relations), community and social, marcom, online/offline, and other stuff as well. Here’s a profile slide that you can download/share around. For business opportunities (or just social), feel free to contact me at dvir at inkod-hypera dot com. Samples of our work – after the embedded slideshare presentation and online. Enjoy!

Inkod-Hypera Overview – Exclusive Designs

View more presentations from Dvir Reznik.
MTV - Web Visual Concepts

MTV - Web Visual Concepts

bee2gether - Facebook apps UI & Design

bee2gether - Facebook apps UI & Design

Remmikub - Visual Concept and

Remmikub - Web UX, Visual Concept and Animation

HOT-ynet video portal - Web Portal UI & Design

HOT-ynet video portal - Web Portal UI & Design

Ormat - Web Corporate UI & Design

Ormat - Web Corporate UI & Design

Just how big is social media?

Excellent question. The answer could have been tricky, but luckily, there’s an app for it, courtesy of Gary Hayes at Personalize Media. You can filter by Social Media, Mobile (even more interesting!) or Games, and determine the time period (now, day, week, month, year). Leave this tab open and come back in 10min. You’ll be surprised [widget not available in RSS, goto original post].

And if it wasn’t Dr. Idan’s birthday, I would have missed it.. Thanks Arad!

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.