Posts Tagged 'מדיה חברתית'

Jeff Schick talks to Blonde2.0

Jeff Schick, VP Social Software for IBM Software Group, visited Israel back in September, for a very intense 36 hours, during which he and Arjan Radder (Social Software Sales Mgr., IBM Europe) met with customers and analysts, talking about enterprise 2.0, collaboration within the firewall and empowering the workforce. The last interview Jeff had was with my friend and social media colleague Blonde 2.0 (aka Ayelet Noff) – talking about how IBM is embracing social media tools internally and what future technologies the market can expect from IBM in that field. The video interview Ayelet did just went live on her blog.

Blonde 2.0 – A talk about IBM’s social software technologies

My Lotus Community links

With all the different technologies and platform out there, it’s difficult to keep track of what and where everything is located. Whenever I read something of interest, that’s worth keeping, I have this flow of browser buttons, like a a process (hey, I work for Big Blue, we invented processes) –, dogear, twitter, facebook.

Ed has talked about the importance of collaboration within the Lotus Community, not only because Lotus strategy = collaboration, but also because it’s in our DNA – we’re here to share and spread the knowledge.

In the spirit of spreading the word, I tried to assemble a list of Lotus resources I use frequently – being formal websites with business and technical documents or social sites as blogs and wikis. If you have any additions, use the comments sections. I will definitely expand this post as time (and contributions) progresses.

Lotus Software:
Lotus Forums and community
Lotus and WebSphere Portal wikis
Lotus videos on youtube
IBM Collaboration solutions
Notes/Domino Infocenter
WebSphere Portal Infocenter
Lotus Quickr Infocenter
Lotus Connections Infocenter
Lotus Forms Infocenter
Lotus RedBooks and RedPapers
Lotus Webcasts
Products documentation
WebSphere Portal Zone – developerWorks

Comic courtesy of Geek and Poke

Integrating Dogear within Google Search Results

Luis Benitez has been posting awesome articles on his blog (Socialize Me) and developerWorks, showcasing how easy Lotus Connections integrates with other collaborative solutions. I also learned recently that Luis was once the EA of Mac Guidera, so Luis’s path to greatness is already paved 😉

After reading Luis’s post about integrating Dogear into Google search results I decided to try it out for myself. Using The Fox for 4 years now, adding Greasemonkey was a piece of cake, and the scrpit was a no brainer (just clicking it :-). The result – now I can see Dogear results (coming from IBM’s internal bookmarking system) alongside Google results (full size image).

Furthermore, it’s good to see my blog post for ‘Extending Lotus Notes 8‘ ranking #2 for this specific search.. Cool !

Dvir, you’re a star !

The past week have been pretty difficult for me walking the IBM office in Petach Tiqva. It was a true ‘marketing’ week for Lotus, appearing twice in printed magazines, and three times in online sites – that’s excellent PR work. Thanks Joseph !

First off, I’ve been ‘posted’ at every coffee-area’s wall, with the social software article (pictured here), published at Israel BusinessWeek. The article first appeared at (Stephen Baker), and was picked up quickly by the Lotus community, myself included.

Since its the first issue of BusinessWeek Israel (Magazine, no website), we wanted to publish some pictures with the article – luckily I still have some connections in marcom…

The two page article is somewhat an exact translation of the English article, but we did manage to insert two pictures: the first showing me (excellent profile shot) and my cool X60, looking at My Connections visual map, and the second picture is the map itself. Since it shows some of my 42 IBM connections, I quickly got photos responses in FB. IBMers – it’s worth ‘adding me to your network’ !!

The second Lotus publication this week was at TheMarker IT and TheMarker newspaper, the leading IT/Hi-Tech news site in Israel. We translated some of the buzz surrounding Enterprise 2.0 Conference face-off last week, positioning Lotus Connections lead in the enterprise social software space. TheMarker IT published an article based on some words I wrote down, along with our PR Mgr. – the end result is not what I hoped for, but still a good presence.

TheMarker IT: IBM and Microsoft charge the enterprise portal’s space (Hebrew)
BusinessWeek Israel: Big Blue Embraces Social Media (pictures, Hebrew) Big Blue Embraces Social Media (original article, by Stephen Baker)

IBM Stuff: I’ve opened up a photo album in FB, where you can see relevant Lotus PR, as they appear.

To twit or not to twit

I wasn’t a twitter fan to begin with. In every customer/analyst/colleagues meeting I spoke, twitter was always my example of ‘too much information’, ‘too much sharing’.
The reason I sighed up to twitter was really to update my facebook status, using the Twitter application in FB – made my life easier, telling the world where I am and what I’m doing (sometimes too much information.. ;-).
I often met friends after hours and they were like ‘how was the meeting in Tel Aviv?’, or ‘enjoyed that lunch?’ – and I didn’t know where they got their info from.

Working with Twitter was difficult at first – how do you explain yourself in 140 symbols or less? what should I twit about? when to update? what application to use?
Sam Lawrence provided some insights on different twitter services, Ouriel talked about email vs. twitter and my friend Alan compared twitter to IM. And there are many more twits out there, discussing how twitter changed the way we communicate. Even in a time of disaster.

Most of the day I use twhirl – simple desktop application for twitter. Easy to use, follow, reply, direct and add friends. I also use TwitNotes in my Lotus Notes 8.0.1 client from time to time. When I’m offline (strange – I’m never offline, only ‘laptop-less’) I use twibble on my Nokia N95, or text message instead. Twibble provides a fair alternative for twhirl, but there’s no way to add urls or photos like it twhirl. There’s also Fring on my N95, mostly for VoIP and chats, but I can also update twitter from there (chatting via Google Talk).

For me, the main question is choosing the right sharing tool:
Should I twit about it? maybe write a post like this one? or post to my facebook profile? why not IM? IBMers are no strangers to technology and innovation and some of my good friends are twitting – sometime I find it easier to communicate with them using twitter, because it’s more instant than IM. Especially if they’re ‘offline’.

My thumb rule for choosing which tool is the content. You can’t twit about everything.

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.