Integrating Dogear within Google Search Results

Luis Benitez has been posting awesome articles on his blog (Socialize Me) and developerWorks, showcasing how easy Lotus Connections integrates with other collaborative solutions. I also learned recently that Luis was once the EA of Mac Guidera, so Luis’s path to greatness is already paved 😉

After reading Luis’s post about integrating Dogear into Google search results I decided to try it out for myself. Using The Fox for 4 years now, adding Greasemonkey was a piece of cake, and the scrpit was a no brainer (just clicking it :-). The result – now I can see Dogear results (coming from IBM’s internal bookmarking system) alongside Google results (full size image).

Furthermore, it’s good to see my blog post for ‘Extending Lotus Notes 8‘ ranking #2 for this specific search.. Cool !

1 Response to “Integrating Dogear within Google Search Results”

  1. 1 luis benitez October 13, 2008 at 17:44

    Thanks for sharing this!!

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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