Posts Tagged 'IM'

Surviving the rough economy with Lotus Software

Intranet Journal published this super article, on how Lotus Software can help you and your company reduce expenses and navigate through the rough economy. My friend Ed Brill posted about this earlier this week. John Roling outlines nine actions you can take, that will help you weather this economical crisis, including: moving to Lotus Symphony, upgrading to Lotus Domino 8.5, deploying Lotus Sametime for IM and web-meetings and others:

As we’re all painfully aware, the current economic climate is far from wonderful. Businesses are looking for ways to cut corners and reduce costs whenever possible, and many times that leads to belt-tightening in your IT departments. I want to share with you some ways that products from Lotus can help you reduce costs in some obvious, and not-so-obvious ways.

Intranet Journal – Surviving the rough economy with Lotus Software
Ed Brill
Dvir Reznik – Now’s the time to deploy IM

To twit or not to twit

I wasn’t a twitter fan to begin with. In every customer/analyst/colleagues meeting I spoke, twitter was always my example of ‘too much information’, ‘too much sharing’.
The reason I sighed up to twitter was really to update my facebook status, using the Twitter application in FB – made my life easier, telling the world where I am and what I’m doing (sometimes too much information.. ;-).
I often met friends after hours and they were like ‘how was the meeting in Tel Aviv?’, or ‘enjoyed that lunch?’ – and I didn’t know where they got their info from.

Working with Twitter was difficult at first – how do you explain yourself in 140 symbols or less? what should I twit about? when to update? what application to use?
Sam Lawrence provided some insights on different twitter services, Ouriel talked about email vs. twitter and my friend Alan compared twitter to IM. And there are many more twits out there, discussing how twitter changed the way we communicate. Even in a time of disaster.

Most of the day I use twhirl – simple desktop application for twitter. Easy to use, follow, reply, direct and add friends. I also use TwitNotes in my Lotus Notes 8.0.1 client from time to time. When I’m offline (strange – I’m never offline, only ‘laptop-less’) I use twibble on my Nokia N95, or text message instead. Twibble provides a fair alternative for twhirl, but there’s no way to add urls or photos like it twhirl. There’s also Fring on my N95, mostly for VoIP and chats, but I can also update twitter from there (chatting via Google Talk).

For me, the main question is choosing the right sharing tool:
Should I twit about it? maybe write a post like this one? or post to my facebook profile? why not IM? IBMers are no strangers to technology and innovation and some of my good friends are twitting – sometime I find it easier to communicate with them using twitter, because it’s more instant than IM. Especially if they’re ‘offline’.

My thumb rule for choosing which tool is the content. You can’t twit about everything.

IM is a business necessity

Among the customers I met this week, there were 2 companies, very different in size and operation model. The one thing they had in common was their understanding that IM (instant messaging), and particularly EIM (enterprise IM) – is a viable business tool that improves employees’ productivity and promotes collaboration across the business. Those customers’ view on EIM is not so common is Israel, as most companies are considering IM as a “good to have” other than business necessity. But the trend is changing, as more and more companies are realizing the benefits of collaboration tools, including IM. Both companies are ISVs (Independent Software Vendor), with Hi-Tech orientation, handled by IBM’s Global Technology Unit (GTU). The buzz around Lotus Sametime is gaining momentum, with recent announcements from Lotus, Lotusphere 2008 and more than 16 million corporate users.

When talking to customers about collaboration, one must makes the connections between the different conversation technologies out there (chat, voice, video) and the benefit of a single platform to manage all of those technologies. Both customers are using VoIP, one is using Cisco while the other uses Asterisk open source solution. The world is headed towards convergence, unified communications and collaboration, that would allow us, employees, more freedom, and improve dramatically the collaboration within our company. Gartner even predicts that “Instant messaging will be de facto tool for voice, video and chat by 2011”. No need to wait that long – the technology is already here, and companies, specifically geographically dispersed companies, are making use of it right now.

Both customers I met will benefit from Lotus Sametime, and I think it’s worth mentioning that they are running on different messaging and application platform: one is using Outlook/Exchange while the second uses a combination of Notes/Domino for composite application and Outlook/Exchange for messaging. One of Lotus Sametime great virtues is that there’s no confinement to a single platform. Lotus Sametime will run on either platform, with the same features and ease of use. You can even run Lotus Sametime on Linux, and Sametime 8 will also support Mac’s Leopard. Over at you can find an interesting brochure on Lotus Sametime integration with Microsoft applications [PDF].

Related articles:
Lotus Sametime tops corporate IM platform review
IBM Unified Communications and Collaboration solutions
The Future of Lotus Sametime, with Mike Rhodin, Lotus GM (webcast, registration required)
IBM to integrate UC into Lotus Symphony
Lotus Sametime Installation Webcast [12 min + slides]

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.