Posts Tagged 'community'

The next net and your business

After 3 days of army reserve training, just before heading home, I stopped at IDC Herzeliya, to lecture on The Next Net – What it means to your business, to the members of The Israeli Innovation Forum – an academic program for executives, run at the Arison School of Business.
The forum aims at creating a community for executives to promote innovation in Israel, while fostering the knowledge and expertise of its members. For full disclosure I’ll mention that the forum is run by IDC with sponsorship from IBM Haifa Research Lab.

There is at least 1 video in my lectures, and on this I had 2, although I had only 30 minutes.
The first video was The Facebook Song, which I saw at Lior Zoref.

This song provides a good intro and ice-breaker to the subject of social network – there are many disciplines, topics, focus areas – 30min was quite a challenge.

Just before slide 3 I did a quick survey, to see if social networking and web 2.0 era had any effect on business leaders – so I asked how many track blogs, write blogs or members of any social network. I liked what I saw – over 60% of participants had their hands up on all 3 questions, which shows social networking and social software is not overlooked, and business leaders are taking it seriously, looking for business opportunities.

In slide 6 a small shiver crossed my body – I noticed that I’m obsolete – not part of the NetGen.
I’m almost 30 (presents are welcome), started working with computers in high school, and had my first cellphone only 10 years ago. The members of the forum reassured me that I’m still very relevant, so it’s cool. For now.

Despite the time (8pm), the members were very cooperative and we had some interesting discussions, on facebook, viral marketing and innovation at the business. To wrap us my lecture I pointed people to BusinesWeek Special Report, Social Networking with the Elite, which I wrote about earlier this week. When I referred to the CIA as the Central Intelligence Agency, one participant told me which CIA is the “important” one – the Culinary Institute of America. I should start cooking more… Gabi, thanks for the tip. Now I know.

You can view my presentations over at

As a (bit long) side comment, I must say Lior is a business colleague/competitor I value – he holds a unique vision on digital media and true to the ‘try it yourself‘ rule, was responsible for several breaking marketing ideas in Israel. The latest being Yossi and Lior‘s Test Broadcasting, a 15min clip, on technology and marketing.

The Business of Virtual Worlds

There’s a workshop planned for mid-January at IDC (The Interdisciplinary Center in Herzeliya), titled ‘Virtual Worlds, Real People’, which focuses on the psychological, sociological, and communication aspects of virtual worlds.
The workshop is academic oriented, and the folks over at IDC have invited me to lecture about the business implications of virtual worlds, and especially what IBM is doing there, and why.

In order to prepare for the presentation, I search some internal and external resources. My first destination was Roo Reynolds, IBM’s own Metaverse Evangelist, working our of Hursley, UK.
In 50 words, Roo Reynolds is a Metaverse Evangelist based at IBM UK’s Hursley Park laboratory. For the past two years he has been helping people understand the importance of social software and virtual worlds. He’s also helping create a virtual world within IBM’s intranet. He is rather tall, and blogs at

After that, I found a post from The CIO network, called Advice and Opinion, which gives a pretty good idea of why virtual worlds are the next thing for collaboration, and why Roo is the person to talk to, and learn from.
I’m happy IBM has a metaverse evangelist because virtual worlds hold tremendous promise for collaboration and work of all kinds, and IBM’s got lots of bright people and plenty of money to put into a) figuring out how to make that work and b) communicating that to the aforementioned chronically unhip businesspeople.
The full post is here.

You can also watch Roo’s presentation, The IBM 2010 CIO Outlook at

See you at the workshop…

The week is (finally) over

This was a very long week for me.

On Sunday and Tuesday I had Army Reserve Training, so no work done there.
Monday and Thursday were very busy working days.
Wednesday was the SWG Community Day event – so little work was done during that day.

Friday-Sat – my best friend’s bachelor party !! We drove to the north of Israel, 30min from the northern point, set camp on the banks of the river, brought some food and drinks (well, plenty of meat and a lot of beers) and spent the night, eating, drinking and playing drinking games.
I’ll post some pictures later.

As you can see – a very busy week, hence why my writing this week has been kinda slow.

SWG Community Day was a big success. It was the climax of the week for me – the first event in which I led the Lotus brand session. As I’ve written before I thought a lot of what to talk about, what presentation to build, and from the responses I got I know it went well. We had some 35-40 people in our session, mostly BPs and customers, and I hope they all learnt a little bit more about Lotus Collaboration Strategy and enjoy the UC2 demo we showed.
The presentation I gave will be available shortly in the event website, I’ll keep you posted.
There’s also an article you can read (in Hebrew) on the event, right here.

Speaking of articles, there are 2 on the recent Web 2.0 Goes to Work initiative and related Lotus software (Lotus Quickr and Lotus Connections), in InformationWeek and The Marker IT. These exposure we’re getting only shows just how important social software is for businesses, who are thinking of solutions on how to adopt and implement web 2.0 technologies and tools into the business. You can see a scan of the InformationWeek article to the left.

Adam has posted earlier this week about Sametime latest achievement, “IBM Lotus Sametime tops Corporate IM Platform review” at NetworkWorld.
Another excellent example of Lotus Sametime lead in the corporate market. Speaking of corporate IM, and Microsoft’s latest attempt to penetrate that market, there’s an interesting post from Simon Barratt, who installed Microsoft’s Office Life Communications Server 2007, and has some notes on version adaptability… worth the read.
Ed Brill also commented on Microsoft denied OOXML appeal. For those not in the biz, Microsoft has appealed to the ISO that its Open Office XML format be voted as an industry standard early last week. It was denied.

It has also been a good week for Notes and Domino 8 release! Some very cool stuff appeared on the web, here’s a selection of stuff I found, courtesy of Ed, Adam, Alan and more.
First there’s this demo on of Lotus Notes 8, high level marketing. Really good, highly recommended.
Then we have some videos:
Lotus Notes 8 on Linux

Lotus Notes 8 customer testimonials

Lotus Notes 8 new features demo

Last minute update – SWG Community Day

I’ve been thinking a lot this past few days, trying to figure out what to talk about tomorrow afternoon, at SWG Community Day (

Lotus customers have been very fortunate this past year, in which we held a user group every Q (in March, June and now this), and although we have some very exciting announcements to present, I know many of you have probably read them already, if not participated in some web casts that were available to BPs and customers.

I knew my presentation tomorrow should have 2 main topics: Lotus Strategy and Lotus Products. I just wasn’t sure how to frame them, how to open, what to focus on. Over the weekend I said you’re gonna hear how the (r)evolutions of Social Computing is changing the business landscape. That has changed. not entirely thou, allow me to explain: the presentation will still discuss about the same 2 main topics, just wrapped differently.

The (final) title (for now) is Lotus Strategy. You’ll still hear how the business landscape is changing our world, what factors are affecting our strategy, and what is Lotus Strategy. There will also be plenty of slides on the recent products we’ve announced this Q, and the UC2 demo of course. I’ve been reading some bloggers asking ‘where Notes/Domino is going?’. Aside from the excellent financial results Lotus is showing Q/Q and Y/Y, we have a very clear vision and a well planned roadmap for future releases. The recent announcements and acquisition relates directly to it.

I do hope seeing you tomorrow, 15:00 at Cinema City.

For those wanting to test Sametime Meeting Room, I’ve created a meeting at the Sametime Demo server, which is available to everyone, after a short registration process.
Just point your browser here and you could follow the presentation as we go along. Unfortunately, no audio/video.. just the slides. The password for the meeting is ‘lotus’.

Power 2 the People – Final presentation

It’s coming, 3 days away.
Software Group Community Day will take place this Wed., Sep. 5th, at Cinema City, just outside of Tel Aviv. During the half-day event SWG will hold 5 different sessions, one for each brand. You can read more information and register to the event here

Lotus session will be focused on Power 2 the People. Some of us have met 3 months ago in the Portal User Group help late June, and maybe even at Lotusphere Comes To You back in March. I wanted to provide you information about Lotus Strategy, and cover some of the recent announcements made (Lotus Notes/Domino 8, Lotus Sametime 8, Acquisition of WebDialogs), but at the same time keeping the session simple and light, while providing you the opportunity to explore some of the products.

So, the title of my lecture is: Power 2 the People – how the social computing (r)evolution is changing the business landscape. You can see the agenda slide above.
I will give a very quick overview of Web 2.0, Social Computing and how the business landscape is changing and most importantly – why. Why organizations adopt web 2.0 technologies, try social software as an internal collaboration tool, all in the interest of improving the people’s productivity. Basically – giving the power to you employees.

For the 2nd part of the session you will see a live demo of UC2 – Unified Communications and Collaboration solution, based on Lotus Sametime as a platform.

So, in short – should be a very exciting session!!

There’s still time to register, right here .

See you Wednesday 🙂

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.