Posts Tagged 'business'

Social Networking with the Elite published last month a special report, titled Social Networking with the Elite. With the growing popularity of social sites such as Facebook, Linked-In, not to mention the whopping millions of MySpace, the alternatives have started to appear. Private-by-invitation-only-closed communities, that consciously discriminate members are here. Some are private by firewall, other by pure discrimination. BusinessWeek lists, among others, A-Space, aSmallWorld,, Diamond Lounge, Behance Network and my personal favorite (guess why it’s a closed network…;-).

The first private site in the slide show really surprised me – A-Space. This CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) internal site, launching these days, is for members of the CIA and other US intelligence agencies. Yes, only spooks like Mulder and Scally, and maybe some guys from Heroes are allowed to enter. Now, seriously, the purpose of A-Space is to use collaborative “social software”—not all that different from features found on Facebook, Wikipedia, and social bookmarking site—to share intelligence reports more rapidly across agencies.

Reuters Spaces is another example of how social software can do wonders for your business. Reuters, much like IBM, are considered early adapters – they’ve deployed reporters in Second Life, and now opened up Spaces, a private network for Hedge Funds Executives.

Wow !!
As an advocate of social software in general and social software for the business in particular – great news. Now we have more example and best practices of why social networking is important to the business. If the CIA has realized the potential of sharing information and expertise internally, I guess they see some added value in it, wouldn’t you agree?

Your 200 words on social networking in 2008

Much has been said recently about social networking and social software and I even read some predictions (Gartner ITxpo) for 2008 saying social networking will hit the business by storm, and the sooner you acknowledge it, the better.

In the spirit of UGC, I decided to open up my blog (or this post actually), and hear what you have to say about social networking in 2008. In a nutshell, I’m interested in your predictions, your input, your take, on social networking.
Which social networking site will rule 2008? Will you join a(nother) social network in 2008? How many social networks are you signed into now? Will this trend impact your workplace? Do you want this trend to enter your workplace? In what format – internal, external or both?

2 things to consider (and agreeing by commenting) before you start writing:

  • I may reuse your opinion in the future (edited or full, with proper credits of course)
  • KIS (keep it simple) – 200 words or less. I won’t start counting of course, but do your best. What’s 200 words you ask? This post is just under 200. You can count.


Sundays in the sun..

I arrived this morning (Sunday) to Madrid, Spain for 5 days -professional course and some business meetings. Since it’s Sunday, and I’m used to working on a Sunday (Jewish after all), it was a good change of climate to take Sunday off. And speaking of climate, the weather in Madrid is excellent. Just like Tel Aviv. Temp was about 24C-26C, sun was high up in the sky, and the streets were filled with people. In recent trips I usually arrive on a weekday, so spending 3/4 of a Sunday strolling the city is not bad.
Lots of people came to Plaza Mayor, sitting at the cafes, at the plaza itself, going through to other places (like me). Fun.

I took the time today for some walking. It’s my 2nd visit to Madrid, and last time I had a full day for myself, so I already checked most of the main attractions. Every time I visit a European city I can’t understand how Tel Aviv doesn’t have a Metro/Subway. It’s superb. Especially for tourists, but not only. It’s definitely cheaper than a taxi.
I decided to visit the Museo del Prado (Prado Museum) again, since last time I had only 4-5 hours, and it wasn’t enough. This time around there was an exhibition of Tintoretto, and the crowd came in numbers to see (on the left).

On another subject, which symbolizes plenty opportunities for start-ups – the Environment, or Global Warming. Today, April 22nd, is Earth Day, according to the Earth Day Network. Even Google created a nice logo for the occasion. If you haven’t RSS-ed to some Earth Friendly feeds, now is the time. You can start with Lighter Footsteps, which also prepared this top 10 list of things you can do towards a lighter, more sustainable, lifestyle. Even industry giants, such as IBM, are seeing the potential in ‘greener’ initiatives and projects, like in this recent Intelligent Energy insight, or Turning Green with Ingenuity. You can read more about IBM’s commitment to the planet here.

And closing this post with this: apparently this cute Bulldog walked some extra miles, since he lied on the curve, legs spread, colling himself down.. the big dog is watching…

My small contribution to Big Blue

IBM just released its results for the 1Q, ending March 31st. There’s also an English version.
I would like to comment on how I feel I contribute to that awesome figure of $22,000,000,000 of revenue in 3 months time.

Currently I lead the local IBM Forum Center team, part of marketing & communication dept. in IBM Israel. IBM Forum is the local solution and convention center, serving more than 10,000 customers a year. Our center is part of a network of 20+ centers across Europe.
Basically our mission is to support the local sales and marketing efforts of IBM and its Business Partners. In our center we allow business partners to showcase their proven solutions, based on IBM hardware and software, to the general public visiting IBM HQ.
Our team is educated on each solution present at IBM Forum so we could, in turn, articulate about the solution, thus creating more revenue for the business partner and IBM.

I particularly like to watch the press room of IBM Israel. Every article I see there I automatically go to our center archives and cross-check the customer name, to see when he visited our center. Like in this recent article, on a major SAP win at Yafora-Tavori, a leading Israeli manufacturer and distributer of soft drinks (RC Cola, Mineral Water, Spring, Shweppes and others).

I made my contribution, and it makes me feel better knowing I brought additional value for my customers (IBM and its business partners) who in turn increased the revenue of IBM Corp.

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.