Posts Tagged 'madrid'

Back to the knowledge space

It has been quite the week for me. As I wrote before I was in Madrid, Spain this past week, on a course from work, on generating value. This is part of my on-going development program, and I’ll be happy to recommend this course to anyone who has interest of better understanding how value is created and perceived by the customer.
The course was developed by Duke Corporate Education, which handles many of the courses we have at IBM. For me it was an excellent experience and gave me the opportunity to meet colleagues, working at marketing oriented roles, within IBM across Europe.
The agenda of the course really gives a broader understanding of how theory is put into action, combining the basic PEST and SWOT analysis (among others), with IBM techniques.
Plus you get the chance to network with your colleagues, hearing their challenges, finding new solutions and building your expertise so you’ll be able to produce better value for your customers.

Now I’m back. Since I was on course during the week, I had little time connecting to my inbox, checking emails, so now I am facing with some filtering work. And I only began going over my feeds yet from the past couple of days…
Nevertheless, I wanted to share with you couple of posts I already scanned through.
In the first Muhammad Saleem talks about Viral Marketing, the hot and not so hot tactics, some interesting facts there. The second is actually from Israel, seen at, which talks (in Hebrew) about The Conflict of Knowledge Workers in the Corporate Business. As a knowledge worker for a major corporation, with a hobby for (well) knowledge, I connected to this post, and I started reading it, haven’t finished, yet. It’s a bit long, with links to 4 other articles and papers talking about the matter, the major of which is a paper from Andrew McAfee at Harvard Business School, on The Pursuit of Busyness.

Sundays in the sun..

I arrived this morning (Sunday) to Madrid, Spain for 5 days -professional course and some business meetings. Since it’s Sunday, and I’m used to working on a Sunday (Jewish after all), it was a good change of climate to take Sunday off. And speaking of climate, the weather in Madrid is excellent. Just like Tel Aviv. Temp was about 24C-26C, sun was high up in the sky, and the streets were filled with people. In recent trips I usually arrive on a weekday, so spending 3/4 of a Sunday strolling the city is not bad.
Lots of people came to Plaza Mayor, sitting at the cafes, at the plaza itself, going through to other places (like me). Fun.

I took the time today for some walking. It’s my 2nd visit to Madrid, and last time I had a full day for myself, so I already checked most of the main attractions. Every time I visit a European city I can’t understand how Tel Aviv doesn’t have a Metro/Subway. It’s superb. Especially for tourists, but not only. It’s definitely cheaper than a taxi.
I decided to visit the Museo del Prado (Prado Museum) again, since last time I had only 4-5 hours, and it wasn’t enough. This time around there was an exhibition of Tintoretto, and the crowd came in numbers to see (on the left).

On another subject, which symbolizes plenty opportunities for start-ups – the Environment, or Global Warming. Today, April 22nd, is Earth Day, according to the Earth Day Network. Even Google created a nice logo for the occasion. If you haven’t RSS-ed to some Earth Friendly feeds, now is the time. You can start with Lighter Footsteps, which also prepared this top 10 list of things you can do towards a lighter, more sustainable, lifestyle. Even industry giants, such as IBM, are seeing the potential in ‘greener’ initiatives and projects, like in this recent Intelligent Energy insight, or Turning Green with Ingenuity. You can read more about IBM’s commitment to the planet here.

And closing this post with this: apparently this cute Bulldog walked some extra miles, since he lied on the curve, legs spread, colling himself down.. the big dog is watching…

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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