Posts Tagged 'ibm forum'

My small contribution to Big Blue

IBM just released its results for the 1Q, ending March 31st. There’s also an English version.
I would like to comment on how I feel I contribute to that awesome figure of $22,000,000,000 of revenue in 3 months time.

Currently I lead the local IBM Forum Center team, part of marketing & communication dept. in IBM Israel. IBM Forum is the local solution and convention center, serving more than 10,000 customers a year. Our center is part of a network of 20+ centers across Europe.
Basically our mission is to support the local sales and marketing efforts of IBM and its Business Partners. In our center we allow business partners to showcase their proven solutions, based on IBM hardware and software, to the general public visiting IBM HQ.
Our team is educated on each solution present at IBM Forum so we could, in turn, articulate about the solution, thus creating more revenue for the business partner and IBM.

I particularly like to watch the press room of IBM Israel. Every article I see there I automatically go to our center archives and cross-check the customer name, to see when he visited our center. Like in this recent article, on a major SAP win at Yafora-Tavori, a leading Israeli manufacturer and distributer of soft drinks (RC Cola, Mineral Water, Spring, Shweppes and others).

I made my contribution, and it makes me feel better knowing I brought additional value for my customers (IBM and its business partners) who in turn increased the revenue of IBM Corp.

Installation Party at IBM Forum

The first time I heard of ‘installation party’ was 2 months ago, in a pre-event meeting I had with Nir Simionovich, the CTO of Atelis. Apparently, the ‘parties’ were a known event at the Technion CS department, were the CTO graduated from, and drew a large crowd.

Anyhow, on March 27th IBM Forum Israel (IBM solution and conference center) hosted the first face-to-face annual event of Asterisk – open source for VoIP. The driving force behind the event, and the entire Asterisk community in Israel is Atelis, an ISV (independent Software Vendor) of IBM GTU (Global Technology Unit). The event drew over 80 developers, who came with their PCs/Laptops, to hear, share, network and install open VoIP clients.

The developers could install the new version of AsteriskNOW, which is a full communications solution, built on Web Services and AJAX, running Linux (of course), and allows for all the usual communication services of a switch board or call center.
I am not a technical person, but even for me, it was inspiring. It showed the true power of the community – this was the first face-to-face event, and all the developers knew each other from previous events and meetings. There were kids, around 16-19, configuring systems, explaining to the people the improvements in the new version – amazing.
I’m definitely buying my kid (still single, but thinking ahead…) a PC to play/break a part with.

You can read more on the Asterisk Developer Event here (Hebrew article).

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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