Posts Tagged 'שיווק'

Coming up this Sunday… – It’s HERE!

I need to sort out my time line, I know, but with the recent events and ongoing stuff at work you’ll understand and forgive this 24 hour delay. So, after promising something Sunday, then Tuesday, it has finally came, Wednesday, Dec 31st 2008.

Globes is the leading financial and IT publisher in Israel, issuing a monthly IT Magazine, by the exact name. IBM has bought some page space, 6 of them to be precise, dedicated entirely to Lotus Software. Excellent way to wrap up 2008!

Since IT Magazine doesn’t sport a website, I can’t send you links to the articles, but you can see them, scanned, at facebook. This is what you’ll find between the 6 page insert:

You can see and read the articles over at the facebook album.

Coming up this Sunday… (updated)

Been working working hard this past month with our marketing and communications team on putting together something cool to end 2008, that would help strengthen the Lotus brand in Israel, and expose some of the great work our customers are doing with Lotus and WebSphere Portal solutions – should pop-up in the media…

I’ll have more to share with you coming Sunday Tuesday.
Sorry about the delay – holidays… 😉

[Photo: licensed from iStockphoto]

Peugeot 308 Blog Tour

Blink IT, IBM BP, are the first web 2.0 consultant company to sport a test drive for bloggers in Israel, with the launch of Peugeot 308 Blog Tour early last week.
During a 2 week period 7 bloggers will get a chance drive the car, and post their comments on their respective blog. This hasn’t been tried before in Israel, and Champion Motors (Peugeot’s reps. in Israel) deserve some points for allowing this to happen.

This is yet another example of how small investment can raise a lot of awareness.
Blink asked local bloggers to register for the chance to test drive the car, out of whom 7 will be selected. The tour will start in Tel Aviv, go north to Haifa, then down south to Beer Sheva, finishing back at Tel Aviv. Each blogger will get the car for 1-2 days, afterwards he must post a comment on his/her blog. The post can be positive or negative – neither Blink not Champion Motors have any say in the postings.

The investment is minimal – the car is for test drive purposes anyhow, gas is on the company – so you get more awareness and exposure to an audience who’s into blogging and cars (like me.. ).

Even before the tour began there were several posts in the local blogosphere praising the concept or trashing it. The discussion was happening (good or bad) – posts, comments, pictures, GPS, videos – exactly what this Blog Tour is about. Conversation Marketing.
You can even track the location of the 308 in Israel…

It’s all about LIVE sharing

Microsoft Israel Tech-Ed 2008 started today in Eilat, and as usual the event is set to be one of the biggest IT events this year. Every year Microsoft attract thousands of customers, analysts, bloggers, press and consultants – for an event mostly known for the party on the 2nd day.

What I wanted to share with you is the excellent work Microsoft Israel are doing with respects to viral marketing, led by Lior Zoref, Digital Marketing Group. The digital group, along with Tech-Ed staff, are using every web 2.0 medium available to convey the Tech-Ed spirit to attendees and people who couldn’t join in person: blogs, videos, audios, pictures and web.

Prior to the event there was even a 5min video, explaining ‘how to persuade your boss to let you go to Tech-Ed‘. Genius.

Microsoft are also taking the blogging community seriously, and draws the equation blogger=journalist. The bloggers attended the press briefing Sunday morning, to get all the updates and guidelines. Bloggers even got some cute giveaways, such as a power expander (to charge more than one appliance), USB to Cellphone thingy, Energy Bar (to keep those fingers working) and more.

Although I compete with Microsoft on solutions, and not agree with all their tactics and strategies, they are doing an excellent job in adopting and embracing the community, which often lead to greater sympathy… and sympathy can go a long way

Updates from SWG Community Day

I had good intentions of writing this post right after the event, but there’s this little thing called ‘life’, which rhymes with ‘wife’ – yada, yada, yada

Anyways – SWG Community Day was an excellent user group event, with full house of Lotus/Portal users, who enjoyed a relaxing afternoon with a movie. My Lotus Collaboration booth was packed with people asking questions, wanting to see first hand Notes/Domino 8.0 with Sametime, Lotus Connections and Lotus Symphony.. too bad I only had 30min for that.
Lotus Expeditor was presented by Eyal Levin, SMB Sales Mgr., and Yuval Feller, IT architect, both colleagues from SWG. Lotus Expeditor provides a wealth of features and possibilities to build a desktop, which aggregates many services and composite applications, either web-based, client based or server managed.
My recently appointed Lotus technical sales, Alex Balk, showed how innovation is taking center stage at IBM, and what our employees are using when it comes to collaboration and social software. Lotus of course…
More pictures are available on Flickr.

From one event we quickly move to the next one – LCTY Israel in March. Stayed tuned for details…

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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