Posts Tagged 'blink'

Embracing Social Computing at IBM

BusinessWeek has put social media at the heart of its June 2nd issue, titled ‘Beyond Blogs – What Business Needs to Know‘. You can read most of the magazine online, along with videos and photo galleries of Top 100 IT Companies, Top 10 IT Companies in North America and Top 10 IT Companies in Asia.

Big Blue Embraces Social Media is one of the articles features in the magazine, and it provides an overview of how IBM got into social computing and how our customers can benefit from our experience.

Over the past two years, IBM has been busily launching in-house versions of Web 2.0 hits. “We’re trying to see how things that are hot elsewhere can be fit for business.” Irene Greif, IBM Fellow.

Why it’s important for IBM, and business at large, to adopt enterprise social computing solutions? Excellent question! There are many answers, but I’ll mentions the ones BW did:
First, in a global company people are too far away to communicate face-to-face.

These social tools, will provide a substitute for personal connections that flew away with globalization—and help to build and strengthen far-flung teams.

Second, it’s important for recruiting.

Hotshots coming out of universities are accustomed to working across these new networks—and are likely to look at a company that still relies on the standard ’90s fare of e-mail and the phone as slow and backward.

How do IBM employees communicate with one another? I use various methods, with email being one of the last. My first option is instant messaging (Lotus Sametime), followed by twitter (internal), post on beehive, e-mail with link to a file on my web space.

So far, IBM has Dogear, a community-tagging system based on, Blue Twit, and a rendition of the microblogging sensation, Twitter. It also has a Web page called Many Eyes that permits anyone (including outsiders, at to upload any kind of data, visualize it, and then launch discussions about it on blogs and social networks. The biggest success is the nine-month-old social network, Beehive, which is based on the premise of Facebook. It has already attracted 30,000 users, including top executives.

Link: Big Blue Embraces Social Media – BusinessWeek

[pictured: my social network at IBM, as of 3 weeks ago]

Peugeot 308 Blog Tour

Blink IT, IBM BP, are the first web 2.0 consultant company to sport a test drive for bloggers in Israel, with the launch of Peugeot 308 Blog Tour early last week.
During a 2 week period 7 bloggers will get a chance drive the car, and post their comments on their respective blog. This hasn’t been tried before in Israel, and Champion Motors (Peugeot’s reps. in Israel) deserve some points for allowing this to happen.

This is yet another example of how small investment can raise a lot of awareness.
Blink asked local bloggers to register for the chance to test drive the car, out of whom 7 will be selected. The tour will start in Tel Aviv, go north to Haifa, then down south to Beer Sheva, finishing back at Tel Aviv. Each blogger will get the car for 1-2 days, afterwards he must post a comment on his/her blog. The post can be positive or negative – neither Blink not Champion Motors have any say in the postings.

The investment is minimal – the car is for test drive purposes anyhow, gas is on the company – so you get more awareness and exposure to an audience who’s into blogging and cars (like me.. ).

Even before the tour began there were several posts in the local blogosphere praising the concept or trashing it. The discussion was happening (good or bad) – posts, comments, pictures, GPS, videos – exactly what this Blog Tour is about. Conversation Marketing.
You can even track the location of the 308 in Israel…

The IBM Social Software story

Israel and Sagi from Blink IT held a workshop earlier this week at TheMarker Com.Vention, focused on Web 2.0 for the business, or Enterprise 2.0.

Blink IT are a Web 2.0 consulting company and IBM BP, working with customers on strategy, web 2.0 adoption, enterprise 2.0 adoption and design. They started off their workshop with some examples of web 2.0 technologies (facebook, twitter, wiki, etc), and then moved on to Enterprise 2.0 best practices – and IBM is leading the pack with several slides.

You can see a social software dashboard on slide 19 (look closely at the picture…), social networking quote from John Rooney on slide 33 and another quote by my close friend Arjan Radder on slide 34. If you want to read more on IBM’s story of Social Software adoption, head over to IBM ‘getting into’ social software case study.

The complete Blink IT presentation (Hebrew/English) is available at

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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