Posts Tagged 'microsoft'

SharePoint Event Calendar for 2010

The world may be flat, connected and sharing, but keeping track of the various events, user groups, best practices and conferences about Microsoft SharePoint can be a taunting task. Joel Oleson started this, with his ‘If you could go to one SharePoint conference this year, what would it be?‘ post, and I picked it up from there.

After exhibiting at The SharePoint Conference in Las Vegas last year, I’ve been working on finding out which events are planned for 2010, who’s attending, what are the topics, who’s speaking and more. Sponsorships are an important aspect of our marketing strategy, and has its advantages such as strengthening our brand and increasing our public exposure to relevant stakeholders (customers, analysts, VCs), but there are other aspects to the mix – such as PR, advertising, online, professional publications and others.

I’ve compiled a spreadsheet trying to summarize the SharePoint related events in 2010, based on my own research, and added some events Joel described in his post. Feel free to add events to the spreadsheet, using this form. Once moderated, your entry will be shown in the spreadsheet below.

CardioLog Roadmap for 2010

Updated Feb. 11th.

A month into 2010 and we’re working hard on making CardioLog better. Following a successful 2009, with numerous new customers, we sat down – product and marketing teams, trying to prioritize the requests we received from our customers, our partners, our own vision regarding the product, analysts perspective on analytics and Microsoft’s direction with SharePoint 2010. Not an easy task.

From all of that input we compiled our roadmap for 2010, which is available here. We welcome your feedback, and will take any request under consideration, but we cannot promise it will find its way to production. Some highlights that will become available, soon:

  • CardioLog 2010 Enterprise
  • Integration with SSP Profiles
  • Retrieval of the Portal Tree structure with the SharePoint API
  • Import usage data from SharePoint 2010
  • Report segmentation by user profiles
  • Report segmentation by SharePoint groups and audiences
  • CardioLog Lite for SharePoint 2010
  • Funnel reports
  • Site overlay
  • And more

Again, the full list is available on our website.

We also launched ‘CardioLog 2010 for SharePoint 2010 Beta Program’, which will allow our customers to evaluate the integration with SharePoint 2010. We have big plans for the next release of SharePoint, here’s what we’re working on:

  • As with MOSS, CardioLog will provide an independent JavaScript tracking agent for collecting browser activity for SharePoint 2010
  • Usage reports will be available for data collected by either CardioLog or SharePoint 2010 (Logging DB)
  • CardioLog will continue to provide enhanced reporting segments through integration with SharePoint 2010 SSP Profiles, SharePoint 2010 groups and security info, SharePoint 2010 document metadata, Active Directory user attributes, and more
  • We plan to track usage within the SharePoint 2010 Workspace (offline experience)
  • CardioLog reports will be available as SharePoint 2010 web parts

As you can tell – we have our hands full.

    Follow CardioLog on twitterWe also made some adjustments to our Support Policy, and continue to update the Forum and FAQs with feedback we receive from customers, analytics tips and best practices. Now is also the time for you to start following CardioLog on twitter – to receive product updates, tips & tricks, announcements and more.

    CardioLog Standard

    We also introduced a new addition to our portfolioCardioLog Standard. The new edition is ideal for small and mid-sized companies, starting to explore the possibilities of analytics, looking for an affordable yet accurate solution – designed for Microsoft SharePoint portals. CardioLog Standard boosts roughly the same features as our Professional Edition, with some limitations (see table). If you’re looking for a small-sized, on-premise web analytics solution, our Standard Edition is your choice. You can download a free trial version now.

    CardioLog Editions - SharePoint Usage Reporting

    CardioLOG Usage Reports for SharePoint – Overview

    The deck below is an overview presentation, 8 slides, providing you the info you need about Intlock and CardioLOG. It outlines what is CardioLOG, why CardioLOG is different, who are our customers and who are we.

    During 2009 we were pleased to welcome VHA, Molson Coors Brewery, IMF, REN, SunCorp and many more to our customer base, and our plan for 2010 is already underway. We’ve joined forces with several Microsoft integrators, like NEOVAS is Turkey, and are working constantly at improving CardioLOG with new reports and features, based on feedback we receive from our customers.

    As we near the end of 2009, I would like to thank you for choosing CardioLOG as your SharePoint analytics solution, and looking forward to working with you in 2010.

    Win a Microsoft XBOX 360 Game Console!

    This is the surprise I couldn’t discuss earlier – we had some fine-tuning to do..
    Microsoft Sharepoint Conference 2009 will kick off in 12 days at Las Vegas and Intlock will be right there, at booth #1028, to show you the leading solution for usage reporting over Sharepoint.

    But wait, now there’s another reason to come visit us: CardioLog Contest!!
    The contest will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, and all you need to do to participate is fill a short form with your contact details, slip it to the box at our booth (#1028) for a chance to WIN XBOX 360 PRO! We also have Rock Band Beatles, HALO 3, Dirt 2 and others – so make Intlock’s booth part of your daily schedule. As with any contest, please note the T&Cs while you submit your form.

    All those planning to attend, I recommend reading Joel’s post – 10 Steps to Prepare for Sharepoint Conference #SPC09. Some solid tips, for SPC09 and any other conference/tweetup/event you’re attending.

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    Programmer Jokes

    I was relaxing at home this fine (and hot) weekend, catching up on twitter friends and facebook updates when I came across this hilarious tweet (in Hebrew) of programmer jokes. At first I was reluctant to click it – I’m not a programmer, and there bound to be some code jokes – but thank god I clicked it. HILARIOUS!! I’m still crying from some of them..

    The original list appeared at, a site dedicated to developers and programmers, where you can post questions and get (and grade) answers. There are some 16 pages of contributions, so clear out 30-60min… The Hebrew version is courtesy of @we-cms.

    Here are my favorites:

    Q: how many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?

    A: none, that’s a hardware problem

    Saying that Java is nice because it works on every OS is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on every gender.

    A computer science student is studying under a tree and another pulls up on a flashy new bike. The first student asks, “Where’d you get that?”

    The student on the bike replies, “While I was studying outside, a beautiful girl pulled up on her bike. She took off all her clothes and said, ‘You can have anything you want’.”

    The first student responds, “Good choice! Her clothes probably wouldn’t have fit you.”

    A guy is standing on the corner of the street smoking one cigarette after another. A lady walking by notices him and says: “Hey, don’t you know that those things can kill you? I mean, didn’t you see the giant warning on the box?!”
    “That’s OK” says the guy, puffing casually “I’m a computer programmer”
    “So? What’s that got to do with anything?”
    “We don’t care about warnings. We only care about errors.”

    There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who have regular sex.

    3 housewives are sitting at a cafe discussing their love life:

    The first says: “my husband is a wrestler, he’s powerful and aggressive in bed”

    The second says: “mine is an artist – he’s delicate and considering”

    The third goes: “mine is a SEO Expert – he’s sitting at the edge of the bed, describing how awesome it’s gonna be, IF it’s gonna be”.

    There’s no place like

    A programmer walks down a path when suddenly a frog steps into his lane, saying: “if you’ll kiss me I’ll turn into a beautiful blond babe who’ll adore you and start a family with you”. After couple of seconds the programmer picks the frog up and puts it in his shirt pocket. The frog goes “Aren’t you gonna kiss me?!” “No”, the programmer responds. “I work at Google, no time for a wife. But a talking frog is COOL!”

    And, my personal favorite (I’m biased, so what?!):

    Q: how many Microsoft programmers does it take to change a light bulb?

    A: none, they just make darkness a standard and tell everyone “this behavior is by design”

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    Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



    This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.