Posts Tagged 'facebook'

1st foursquare campaign in Israel – Club Seat

Had an interesting discussion this week at Globes event with Ahuvah, a very wise and internet-savvy friend, about foursquare. She asked me – Why? A simple question, complicated answer. Once, not so long ago, people were asking the same WH-question about Twitter, and look were we are now.

foursquare logo

But back to me. I check-in at places of interest, usually business-oriented – meaning if I’m at a the Finance District of Tel Aviv, or the Hi-Tech district – where I’m more likely to meet people. But so far, as Ahuvah was clever to ask, those check-ins resulted in fewer random meetings than I expected. So again, Why? I guess convenience has something to do with it, meaning a proper application – Gravity. I’ve previewed Gravity before, saying it’s the main reason for my increased use of foursquare – a flick of the navbar, and I’m Here! Nevertheless, I believe foursquare is much more than just a contest for who’s got more Mayorships. It’s a valuable database of knowledge about people habitts – and knowledge is power. Much like twitter that crossed the chasm, foursquare too needs the same things: celebrity, business, media coverage.

Club Seat - 1st Israeli foursquare-based campaign

Club Seat - 1st Israeli foursquare-based campaign

Celebrity we have (not many though), media coverage still lagging, but now we have a business. Seat become the 1st business in Israel (Hebrew) to use foursquare in a digital campaign (Hebrew, again), Club Seat, along with 3 known clubs in Tel Aviv – Gazoz, Galina, and Sublet. People are encouraged to create an account in foursqaure, download the app of their choice and visit the clubs. The campaign is three-fold:

  • The club that receives the most entries by August 30th (end of summer break) is crowned ‘Best Club in Town’;
  • Top 20 people with the  highest number of check-ins at any of the 3 clubs will receive concert tickets;
  • The mayor of each club will receive a plane ticket (round trip I hope)

Personally I was hoping the 1st business will originate from the restaurant/cafe/bar industry, much like Starbucks is doing in the US, or’s deal to attract youngsters in London. Seat, along with Grey Interactive, have taken a leap into un-charted waters in Israeli advertising, as foursquare is still in early-early adopter stage here. Facebook has transformed the digital space in Israel – more than 3 million people connected (about 60% of internet-connected homes), #2 fastest growing country in the Middle East (7%, monthly), top 10 countries in terms of average time spent (globally!), and more. No campaign is complete here without a facebook presence. Twitter and foursquare are still considered ‘geek-only territory‘, although twitter is gaining momentum in celebrities and media.

Club Seat was only launched this week, so the stats are obviously low (Gazoz 9 check-ins, Galina 3 check-ins, and Sublet 4 check-ins), but it will be interesting to see how this pilot evolves and what impact will it have on the advertising industry. Stay tuned.

Where can I buy Old Spice?

I’ll start with the bottomline of this post (aka The Title): Where can I buy Old Spice?

The Man Your Man Could Smell LikeIn a marketing space, driven by numbers, ROI and sales graphs, I imagine the Old Spice (twitter/facebook/youtube) finance people will be interested to know they’ve gained at least 1 new customer. Me. It doesn’t matter how it smells, will I like it or not, who uses it, how much it costs – really, I just want one, to be like Isaiah Mustafa (aka Old Spice guy/dude/man). So, where can I get Old Spice in Israel? Don’t know, will find out. A friend visiting Israel already said he’ll bring me his – thanks Dovid!

Plenty of words have been written about Old Spice campaign, as the 2nd phase broke previous records and defined new rules for brands’ engagement in social media (aka digital marketing). I will link to three posts by marketing professionals I trust – Lior Zoref (Digital Marketing Consultant, ex VP Marketing for Microsoft Israel; post in Hebrew), Lisa Barone (Chief Branding Officer at Outspoken Media), and Hillel Fuld (Tech blogger, marketer, twitterer, writer). All three, specifically Lisa and Hillel, have analyzed Old Spice campaign, and produced a must-read list for marketers.

The tweet that started it all

The tweet that started it all

And BTW – don’t forget to create a personalized voicemail and download the screensaver, wallpaper or ringtone. It is truly, as I wrote in a comment to Lisa Barone’s post, a campaign that will be taught in business schools for years to come. Enough talk, let’s watch some videos. More (about 120 of them) are available on Old Spice Youtube channel.

Looking forward to the Globes event on Monday, hear what influence this campaign will have on the lectures and the theme of the event.

UPDATE: How the Old Spice videos are being made (ReadWriteWeb)

Original video – The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

Old Spice 2nd Phase – Questions

Re: @jsbeals | Old Spice – Marriage Proposal

Re: Gay Kawasaki | Old Spice

Re: @Orli | Old Spice

Re: GQ | Old Spice

Re: @GizModo | Old Spice

Re: @TheEllenShow | Old Spice

Re: Lisa Barone | Old Spice – $$$

Re: @aplusk (Ashton Kutcher) | Old Spice

Re: 12755JDH | Old Spice – probably a robot

Re: Everyone | Old Spice – The End

3 weeks in

I remember reading a tweet the other day, which I actually agree with (can’t remember the author though), saying ‘social services like facebook, twitter, myspace, come and go. Flickr has been here since 2004 (!), and is here to stay’. The same goes, in my opinion, to blogs. Other sharing services will come and go, but the web-log, is here to stay.

It’s been 3 weeks since I started working at Inkod-Hypera, and almost 2 weeks since my last post. True, there’s facebook, and twitter, and LinkedIn, and other social services that I update on a daily basis, but those micro-updates cannot be compared to a blog post. Same audience perhaps, different format. And no limit on words!!

Ilan (creative director) and Assaf (VP products) are testing the new helicopter model

Ilan (creative director) and Assaf (VP products) are testing the new helicopter model

Being recognized for your work is always a good thing, and makes one feel good about the things one does. In the 3 weeks I’m here we’ve received dozens of ‘thank you’ emails from customers, the best incentive for any employee. One of our customers, Sparkeo, is a winner at mini Seedcamp Tel Aviv [English post], and are waiting for the Seedcamp results. We’ve been published [Hebrew] in a local news website, and are gaining momentum in the social scene (you’re welcome to join us).

On the work/life balance, we’re doing ok – working hard all day long, finding some time to unwind and always remembering to keep the customer in the center of our business.

But seriously now, we do amazing things here around UI and design. More to come, stay tuned.

Biz Stone is here

By the time my loyal RSS readers will see this, I’ll be on my way to meeting Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter, visiting Israel for a quick 24 hours, keynoting The NETWorking event, the Alumni event of The College of Management (where I did my BA). Although Israel is A Start-Up Nation, it’s not often we get the chance to meet in person (along with 1,200 people) a founder of a service that changed the way we communicate with each other.

Since its creation in 2006, twitter has become a force in the digital world, influencing every industry – from IT, to entertainment and film, sports and news. With Oprah, Ashton and CNN twitter hit mainstream pretty fast, growing at an astonishing rate of 1,400% a year (!). However, 2010 will be a pivotal year in twitter’s life, as the micro-blogging service is trying to monetize on the vast amounts of data it holds, trying to prove that unlike facebook or YouTube – twitter can make money (and much more than $4m).

Biz is holding a closed breakfast for CEOs, graduates of The College of management, followed by a press conference, that should start at 10:45am IST (Israel, GMT+2). The main event will be at the evening, at Hangar 11 in Tel Aviv Harbor, as Biz will be the keynote speaker at the NETWorking event. TheMarker Editor-in-Chief will do a one-on-one interview with Biz afterwards, and a stand-up show with Adir Miller will wrap-up Biz’s 24 hours in Israel.

#bizil is the hashtag for keeping track of Biz’s day in Israel.

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.