Posts Tagged 'מדיה חברתית'

Twitter got me Alfa Romeo’s MiTo

This is a simple story of a car enthusiast (me) who just happens to be a social media evangelist and (some say) a prominent twitter user.

Some 10 days ago while walking Ramat Aviv Mall I saw the beautiful Alfa Romeo MiTo. The car, which was announced mid 2008, is a real principessa, and one can see the resemblance to her ‘parents’, the 8C Competizione.

Being true to my belief that social media is just as powerful as traditional media, I posted a twit (facebook too) saying I’m willing to do a lot for a test drive in the new MiTo. Quite frankly, I didn’t expect an answer, yet alone a test drive, but the good people over at Alfa Romeo Israel, led by Nir Ben-Shlomo, Alfa Romeo Brand Manager, proved me wrong. I picked up my MiTo this Tuesday afternoon for a 16 hour drive (!), the first ever test drive to be performed by an independent blogger.

Over the past months I’ve read several posts and articles dissing social media and its impact on consumers and businesses. This example here illustrates the power of this medium, and we’re only at a fraction of its full potential.

My full review of this magnificent machine will be posted here soon, as well as on newsgeek, my other blog, but I thought you guys deserve some sneak-pics – just for being my readers.. 😉
Oh, one last thing, for the local auto dealers: I’m available for future test drives – drop me a line here dvirreznik at gmail dot com or via twitter and we’ll work out the details.

#Fiddme, Forelin TLV!

Last night I was part of an unusual event, the first in Israel: Eat&Twitt at Forelin Restaurant. The event was organized by Liat Vardi-Bar, a known social marketer in Israel and Yosi Taguri and Eran Kampf, who coined the hashtag #fiddme, and even working on a little venture by that name.. 😉

25 twipple were invited to this event (broadcasted live at, were we enjoyed a 3-course dinner, comprised of Foreline’s new summer menu, coupled with various wines, courtesy of Agur, Saslove and Tulip wineries, a short lecture on food photography by Guy Kaminsky ( and a gift – a cooking book. Did I mention all of the above was free?

You might wonder why would a restaurant decide to organize a free dinner to 25 people, that the only thing they have in common is: a) they love food; b) they twit. But this exactly is where most companies are wrong, especially if we’re considering the power of social media. Those 25 people made such a ‘noise’ last night, that at some point people took some drastic measures, because they started drooling over the keyboard.. The web is filled today (and probably tomorrow as well) with posts, pictures, videos and links to Forelin and Eat&Twitt. When a friend or colleague will ask me which restaurant to I recommend for fish and seafood, the answer would be obvious.

Forelin Rastaurant came to understand what companies are only beginning to realize – you need to meet your audience at their turf, in order to start a conversation with them. No matter how sophisticated your website is, no one will visit it without you making the first step. Liat has been very-very-very active with Forelin in that space, but convincing Chef Amir and the owners to organize such an event is a testimonial of the power social media has these days.

Liat, Yosi, Eran and Forelin Restaurant: THANK YOU!

Pictures on Flickr (courtesy of Niv Calderon, including the ones in this post)
Pictures of the event on facebook
Post about Eat&Twitt on (with more pics of food)
Twitter results for forelintlv (screened last night using twitterfall)
Forelin Restaurant
Follow ForelinTLV on twitter

Caving under the questions with 1938media

My BFF Ezra Butler videotaped this video, and it’s a good thing I’m leaving IBM, or I’ll have to answer to my bosses… 😉 Ezra came to IBM Israel for the Innovation Forum held last Thursday, and we managed to sqeeze this short interview before the event started.

Ezra is the new dude of 1938media in Israel and Europe and I wish him all the best.

Twitter Group Photo at TheMarker Com.Vention

TheMarker Com.Vention was held yesterday at Avenue, attracting more than 1,500 people, all of them part of the local hi-tech and internet community. Twitter was definitely the most mentioned word during the event, with a hashtag that appeared on (#themarker09) and a dedicated panel: micro-blogging, substance or hype. My tweetdeck was filled with #themarker09, which got me thinking – why not set a group photo, of all twitterers attending the event? And so it was.. Below you can see the first group photo of some of the Israeli twitterers, along with Arjan Radder, who was a speaker at the event yesterday.
The original pictures are available at Niv’s album or his flickr.

From left to right (some people were not tagged, yet):

Social media ROI – IT4 Business Event

Tomorrow will be my last lecture as an IBMer, at the 2009 Israel Chamber of Information System Analysts, at Ramat Gan. Similar to last week’s lecture, I’ll be speaking about social media ROI’s, why should a company consider deploying social media solutions, present some customer references and wrap up with IBM’s own deployment story – all in 30min.. :-))
The presentation (in Hebrew) is already available over at slideshare.
My slot is at 12:30 – see you at the event.

During the presentation I referred to Nielsen’s recent report (March 2009) Global Faces and Networked Places (PDF, 2.1MB), pointing out some of the facts about social media in 2008 and beyond. Definitely worth the read.

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.