Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Apple iPad: No one better gift it to me

The Hitler parodies are spreading fast, with numerous versions to daily news.

This time, they were very quick in the production (although it’s probably on a template), but crazy hilarious: Hitler responds to iPad. And thanks to Ayelet for facebooking this and making me laugh!

Sneak peak: CardioLog 2010 for SharePoint

With hundreds of customers around the world, CardioLog has become one of the leading usage reporting solutions for SharePoint. In the very near future we’ll introduce CardioLog 2010, for our 3 subscription editions: Standard, Professional and Enterprise. CardioLog 2010 Lite will be introduced shortly after.

CardioLog 2010 will include some UI changes, introduce new reports, planned integration with SharePoint 2010 and (as with any software) hotfixes for known issues. Most of the additions we included in the reports and UI came from our customers, and we thank you for helping us make CardioLog better.

CardioLog 2010 for SharePoint - Real-time Center

CardioLog 2010 for SharePoint - Real-time Center

The screenshots are not final, but you can see some of the UI changes, compared to the current edition:

  • All actions are performed from a topnav instead of ‘right-click’
  • Reports can be exported to PDF (on top of the existing Excel and Webpart)
  • Moved the ‘Favorites’ view alongside the ‘Object Explorer’ as a tab, for easier access to your sites
  • Each widget has ‘Report Actions’ button, for further customization (based on Permissions of course)
  • Improved color scheme
CardioLog 2010 for SharePoint - Report Center

CardioLog 2010 for SharePoint - Report Center

With the announcement of SharePoint 2010 just around the corner, we are already testing CardioLog with the Beta version of SP2010, and we’ll share more information along the way. As with any upgrade, it’s always recommended to do some ‘house cleaning’, see what pages can be archived or were not accessed for a long time. With CardioLog you can build a ‘house cleaning’ report, and generate it periodically, to get an understanding of what’s going on:

CardioLog for SharePoint - House Cleaning: what pages/sites received no hits

CardioLog for SharePoint - House Cleaning: what pages/sites received no hits

Under the ‘Report Center’, right-click and pick ‘Add report’. From the wizard choose ‘Blank report’, and then name your report and decide on a layout. Once the report dashboard is created, you need to add the Page Views reports, in a Table layout (see above screenshot). Click on Preferences and in the left pane, under Advanced, change the value of ‘Minimum result count’ to ‘0’ (zero) and order by ‘Descending’.  Finally, make sure you exclude your editors from the ‘Page Views’: expand Filter and under Users and Groups exclude the content editors group from the count (see below screenshot). That’s it.

CardioLog for SharePoint - House Cleaning: Step 2

CardioLog for SharePoint - House Cleaning: change minimum value to '0'

I know you want me – iPhone love song

Seen it at Mizbala, at Room404, tweeted about it, so why not spread the word around with a blog post?

Moran Lavie took her iPhone love to the next step with this ‘I know you want me’ spoof (by Pitbull). Although the lyrics are in Hebrew, I’m sure you’ll be able to enjoy it.. 😉

And, in case you’re not one of the 449,116 people who’ve seen this already, here is NYTimes‘s David Pogue, with his own iPhone love song, from 2007:

Men are from Mars, Women from Venus

Saw this post over at Dan Ariely‘s Predictably Irrational blog (a recommend addition to your RSS reader). Dan is a Professor of Behavioral Economics at Duke University and a visiting Professor at MIT. His book, Predictably Irrational is on my read list at LinkedIn.

Dan used Google in a way most of us (me at least) haven’t thought of yet – researching human behavior. We do use Google to search for stuff, but Dan hasn’t searched for anything. He merely started typing and waited for Google’s predictions – the drop-down list that opens up, suggesting you search queries, based on what other people frequently looked for.

What women are looking for

What women are looking for

The query Dan started typing was:
“how can I get my boyfriend to” and “how can I get my girlfriend to”. The results are hilarious, but proves what the entire world already knows: men are practical, women are after love… 😉

What men are looking for

What men are looking for

Nokia E72 – Day 1

Last month I attended Globes Conference at Tel Aviv, and saw Nokia E72 for the first time in Israel, at the Nokia Israel booth. It took just 2.5 weeks (Kudos to Eurocom Nokia) for the E72 to arrive at my door step earlier today, for a review. As I stated before, although it’s easy to get hyped by a phone, one must review it under day-to-day activities, meaning at least 2 weeks, even 3. I will have the Nokia E72 for a month – just hope I won’t fall in love with it during the process.. 😉

Nokia E72 unboxing

It’s predecessor, the E71, is a huge success in Israel, receiving high scores in any review, and the E72 is entering the local market at an interesting time: iPhone was launched last month, Bold is holding its ground, and the E71 is the best selling Smartphone in Israel, second only to the N95 (150,000 units).

  • Will E71 users rush for an upgrade?
  • Will it take the crown of ‘Best Smartphone in Israel’ from its younger brother, the E71?
  • Will N-Series users looking for a business device opt for the E72 over the iPhone or BB Bold?

A full review will be posted early February, both here and over at (Hebrew), but I will post short updates, like this one, as the month progresses.

If you have any questions about the Nokia E72 that you’d like to ask or suggest, drop me a line here or on twitter and I’ll do my best to accommodate.

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.