Archive for the 'marketing' Category

Where can I buy Old Spice?

I’ll start with the bottomline of this post (aka The Title): Where can I buy Old Spice?

The Man Your Man Could Smell LikeIn a marketing space, driven by numbers, ROI and sales graphs, I imagine the Old Spice (twitter/facebook/youtube) finance people will be interested to know they’ve gained at least 1 new customer. Me. It doesn’t matter how it smells, will I like it or not, who uses it, how much it costs – really, I just want one, to be like Isaiah Mustafa (aka Old Spice guy/dude/man). So, where can I get Old Spice in Israel? Don’t know, will find out. A friend visiting Israel already said he’ll bring me his – thanks Dovid!

Plenty of words have been written about Old Spice campaign, as the 2nd phase broke previous records and defined new rules for brands’ engagement in social media (aka digital marketing). I will link to three posts by marketing professionals I trust – Lior Zoref (Digital Marketing Consultant, ex VP Marketing for Microsoft Israel; post in Hebrew), Lisa Barone (Chief Branding Officer at Outspoken Media), and Hillel Fuld (Tech blogger, marketer, twitterer, writer). All three, specifically Lisa and Hillel, have analyzed Old Spice campaign, and produced a must-read list for marketers.

The tweet that started it all

The tweet that started it all

And BTW – don’t forget to create a personalized voicemail and download the screensaver, wallpaper or ringtone. It is truly, as I wrote in a comment to Lisa Barone’s post, a campaign that will be taught in business schools for years to come. Enough talk, let’s watch some videos. More (about 120 of them) are available on Old Spice Youtube channel.

Looking forward to the Globes event on Monday, hear what influence this campaign will have on the lectures and the theme of the event.

UPDATE: How the Old Spice videos are being made (ReadWriteWeb)

Original video – The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

Old Spice 2nd Phase – Questions

Re: @jsbeals | Old Spice – Marriage Proposal

Re: Gay Kawasaki | Old Spice

Re: @Orli | Old Spice

Re: GQ | Old Spice

Re: @GizModo | Old Spice

Re: @TheEllenShow | Old Spice

Re: Lisa Barone | Old Spice – $$$

Re: @aplusk (Ashton Kutcher) | Old Spice

Re: 12755JDH | Old Spice – probably a robot

Re: Everyone | Old Spice – The End

FaceTime – by Sam Mendez for iPhone 4

We knew some of the new features back in April, but still, iPhone 4 (aka HD) is a big step forward. And also, another proof that Jobs is a genius in marketing and setting consumer trends. Video calls have been around for couple of years, but FaceTime makes you wanna STOP making regular calls and do only video.

Oh, and I’m seriously thinking of buying one.

Giveaways: Tickets to TheMarker Com.Vention

Update [April 27th, 5pm GMT+3]:

Thank you all for commenting and participating. The winners have been notified by email an hour ago. Hope to see you all Sunday.


TheMarker Com.Vention is the prominent internet event in Israel, with known figures from the SU, VC, Marketing, Content and TV, Advertising and Internet industries (local and global) – and I have 10 complimentary tickets (worth ~$100 each) to share with you!

TheMarker Com.Vention

In the spirit of networking and sharing, I’ve decided to do a ‘Pay It Forward‘ kind of thing, and give each ‘winner’ 2 tickets: one for you and the other for someone from your network, whom you met via a social network (facebook/twitter/LinkedIn/Foursquare/etc), that haven’t attended Com.Vention before. So basically, you get to pick a ticket winner.

Here’s what you need to do in order to win a ticket to TheMarker Com.Vention:

  1. Explore your wall/stream and find someone that hasn’t attended Com.Vention yet.
  2. Post a comment to this post (name, email – not public, website), with your name, your friend-from-the-web name and the social match-maker name.
  3. That’s it!

Then, I will cross-reference the names with TheMarker (to verify your friend-from-the-web didn’t attend previously) and research the social network in question (to assess the relationship). First 5 ‘couples’ that will get it right – met via a social network and friend-from-the-web hasn’t attended before, will receive the tickets. Last date to submit entries is Thursday, April 29th at 18:00 Israel time (GMT+3). Winners will be announced here and contacted via email for the logistics, so please watch your typing.

This year there are very interesting panels and sessions: ‘Mobile Internet – Who’s going to benefit most from the boom?’, ‘Life on demand – how consumers are changing the life of E-commerce’, ‘Who will control the content’ and more. Full agenda is available here, speakers list here, twitter tag is #com2010, and facebook page.

See you Sunday!

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.