Posts Tagged 'video'

Banner vs. Content

During one of the breaks at Themarker Com.Vention I caught a glimpse of this funny short video, Banner vs. Content, a spoof on the hilarious Mac vs. PC video series. It’s been a busy week and I rarely had a chance to check my GReader, so only today I realized that Banner vs. Content was part of a quadruple series, produced just for the event. One even features Dr. Yossi Vardi, trying to jump over a car, Kobe Bryant Style.. All videos have English captions, so even if you do not speak the holy language, you’ll be able to understand.. 😉
Full series available over at mizbala.

עוד סרטים וסרטונים בנושא באנר, הומור, הומוריסטי, מצחיק

My Lotus Community links

With all the different technologies and platform out there, it’s difficult to keep track of what and where everything is located. Whenever I read something of interest, that’s worth keeping, I have this flow of browser buttons, like a a process (hey, I work for Big Blue, we invented processes) –, dogear, twitter, facebook.

Ed has talked about the importance of collaboration within the Lotus Community, not only because Lotus strategy = collaboration, but also because it’s in our DNA – we’re here to share and spread the knowledge.

In the spirit of spreading the word, I tried to assemble a list of Lotus resources I use frequently – being formal websites with business and technical documents or social sites as blogs and wikis. If you have any additions, use the comments sections. I will definitely expand this post as time (and contributions) progresses.

Lotus Software:
Lotus Forums and community
Lotus and WebSphere Portal wikis
Lotus videos on youtube
IBM Collaboration solutions
Notes/Domino Infocenter
WebSphere Portal Infocenter
Lotus Quickr Infocenter
Lotus Connections Infocenter
Lotus Forms Infocenter
Lotus RedBooks and RedPapers
Lotus Webcasts
Products documentation
WebSphere Portal Zone – developerWorks

Comic courtesy of Geek and Poke

VOI – Video On the Internet

The local internet scene is humming and buzzing for the last few months now, with new portal designs and the annual TV/Internet festival.
Only yesterday I read several posts and comments about Channel 2 latest announcement –, which was suppose to be the new face of Channel 2 online and instead reduced to ‘just another news portal‘.

The internet has definitely changed the way we consume content – my single source for information is definitely the web, being internal or external. Thanks to bandwidth and UGC I can now watch complete episodes/sketches of The Colbert Report, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, SNL and others anytime I want to.

Why this intro? Well, I’ve been following Gal Mor‘s blog, Holes in the Net, for some time. He’s a savvy internet producer/consumer, and although (or maybe bacause) managing the Dev. dept. of, his insights into the space of content, internet and UGC is a must read. The new got low reviews from Gal, who put together an excellent post, disecting the different parts of the site. One might say that Gal is a bit biased, as competes with, but as Gal (and the comments) concludes, should be more focused on video, rather than ‘plain’ content. We want Video On the Internet.

What interest me is the fact that Channel 2 already has a video presence online – it launched IsraelNews at YouTube a month ago, with some clips on the ‘behind-the-scene’ action at a news room (and watching Yonit Levy up close and personal for 2:16min can’t hurt either.. 😉
That’s the kind of VOI I’m talking about. Even Yonit is saying that the internet provides the extra screen time they need, putting the full 15min interview instead of the 4min cut for the news item.

Bottomline – nice to see Channel 2 are taking risks, leaping into the VOI space, but they need to walk carefully. Already there’s some confusion between, israelnews, ch2news2, – some strategy and direction may be needed.

Danny Koshmaro welcomes YouTube viewers:

Why IsraelNews at YouTube is important (Yonit Levy):

Videoblog with Aharon Barnea at the US Elections:

Conan visits Intel HQ in Santa Clara

Many of you probably seen Late Night with Conan O’brien, broadcasting from San Francisco 2 weeks ago. The shows were pretty awesome, with front-line, SF own guests, like Dana Carvey, George Lucas, Robin Williams and many more…
I heard that Conan visited Intel HQ, as Intel sponsored his week’s visit to the city, but all videos were removed shortly after uploaded, by an “invisible hand“, due to copyright issues.. But, the power of the web/people demonstrated its force once again (after the recent Digg fiasco), and NBC uploaded an 8 minute video of the visit.

Here it is, Conan’s visit to Intel HQ in Santa Clara. click here if you can’t see the video.

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.