Posts Tagged 'barack obama'

IBM’s CEO at the White House with President Obama

I was relaxing one evening at my hotel in Barcelona, watching CNN, when all of a sudden I see Sam Palmisano, IBM CEO, alongside US President Barack Obama. I read on our corporate intranet that Palmisano presented his remarks on the economic stimulus plan to the White House, had no idea he actually met with Pres. Obama.

IBM CEO, Sam Palmisano, participated in a roundtable discussion of business leaders with President Obama to discuss the economy. Sam was also asked to give a brief speech.
My colleagues Todd (Turbo) Watson and Adam Christensen already wrote about this, with links to the video from CNBC and the transcript.

Sam visits the White House – Todd Watson
Economic stimulus remarks from IBM’s CEO – A Smarter Planet (Adam Christensen)
A smarter planet: The next leadership agenda – Council on Foriegn Relations
Government investment could lead to 900,000 IT jobs – eWeek
Samuel J. Palmisano –

Lotusphere 2009 Session Abstracts Published

The Lotusphere team has updated the website with full sessions’ abstracts. The lectures in each session are also available. Customers have been asking me about Lotusphere since Sep., wanting to know the details, planned announcements, parties, best practices session, workshops, etc. I’m told that registration is beyond expectation, already exceeding last year’s figures.. Hurry up and secure your spot at the largest Lotus and WebSphere Portal event.
See you all in Orlando, January 18th !

I know of at least one party, that will be celebrated throughout the US during Lotusphere…

Obama leads to change in Israel politics as well

It seems that Barack Obama‘s victory echoes all the way to our little country of Israel.
Obama’s flawless use of the web has created many copycats, most of whom mimicked the L&F of US President Elect website. Even the NY Times picked up the story, first caught by a local blogger, who mentioned it to a friend, who blogged about it – and shortly after published at ‘traditional’ news sites.

There’s even a new word for it in Hebrew – ‘likebama‘ (free translation –
‘Someone attemping to be like US President Elect Barack Obama, to enjoy Obama’s popularity’.

Links (most in Hebrew):
Ido Kenan (blogged about it)- Netanyahu and Obama website
Ido Kenan – More copy-paste stories
Ido Kenan – Some more stories
Gal Chen – the local blogger
TheMarker IT – from an Israeli blogger to NYTimes
Ynet – Does Netanyahu’s website mimcks Obama’s? – Yes he can! Netanyahu launches new website (requires sign-in) – Israeli candidate borrows a (web) page from Obama

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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