Posts Tagged 'מדיה חברתית'

Facebook is NOT Enterprise-ready

My good friend Arjan Radder, Social Media Sales Mgr., IBM Europe, will visit Israel next week, to speak at TheMarker Com.vention and meet some of our customers that are in various stages of social media adoption. This will be Arjan’s 3rd visit to Israel and obviously we’re excited to have him here. His agenda is filling up very quickly, but we still have some open slots.
So, if your company is looking into social media solutions – blogs, employee directory, wikis, social networks and the likes – and you want to hear what IBM has to offer, give me a ring and we’ll work something out.

TheMarker interviewed Arjan earlier this week (by phone), and the full interview is available in today’s print version, as well as online. Since both are in Hebrew, here are some notable portions of the interview. We’ll have a translated version soon, which I’ll post here as well.

When sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Youtube started rounding up fans, we realized that IBM has been deploying similar solutions for over a decade. Our internal employee directory, Blue Pages, stores over 500,000 profiles, much like an internal LinkedIn. Making internal communication efficient wasn’t easy, as IBM spans the world and works in many industries. It was simply a necessity.

Another aspect of Arjan’s interview related to the use of instant messaging solutions, such as MSN Messenger, Skype, GTalk and others, as THE corporate IM tool.

Any enterprise has to adhere to some regulatory restrictions (e.g store business transcripts for 3 years), not to mention the ability to authenticate the user – both don’t exist in public solutions. With corporate IM solutions, such as Lotus Sametime, those capabilities (and others) are built-in, not to mention the fast ROI we can show – reducing travel expenses and phone bills.

Only yesterday I spoke about Social Media Solutions for the Enterprise, at YCD/IBM event. Both of Arjan’s points, about social networks and corporate IM were discussed, with customer references showing the business value and added benefits. You can download that presentation at, or come to this event next Monday, and hear me speak about it.
The examples I mentioned were GE and Celina Insurance for Lotus Sametime (IM) and Ernest and Young and Sprint for social media solutions (Lotus Connections).
The full presentation is embedded below.

Last 2 speaking engagements as an IBMer

I’m not afraid of public speaking, on the contrary – I like it a lot. The interaction with the crowd, the presentations, seeing me on the big screen – all made me quite the popular speaker. Since I’m leaving IBM soon, you’ll have two last chances to catch me speak as an IBMer, this week and the next, about the subject that eludes us all (most of us at least) – Social Media ROI at the business.

The first event is ‘The Enterprise in the Digital Age‘ – a joint IDR (ISV and Developer Relations at IBM) and YCD (ISV) session about internal comm and marketing tools, held this Tuesday, the 17th, at IBM Forum. I’ll be speaking about Social Media ROI, focusing on some customer references of IBM’s Lotus Connections and Lotus Sametime, as well as our own (IBM) internal adoption story. The presentation is already available at

The second event is The 2009 Israeli Chamber of Information Systems Analysts, to be held next Monday, the 23rd, at Kfar Hamacabia, Ramat Gan. I’ll be speaking around noon about (again) ‘The adoption of social media – enterprise 2.0 style’, providing an overview of the entire web/enterprise 2.0, what solutions are available today – both inside and outside the firewall, and wrapping up with IBM’s adoption of such tools. My presentation will be posted later this week at

Hope to see you in one (or both) of these upcoming events.

Why do I love Topify

There has been lots of buzz online surrounding the beta launch of topify, an innovative service from my friends Arik and Ouriel, providing an email access to your twitter notifications. You can ask for an invite to the beta version by starting to follow @topify.

What does Topify do?
I set my twitter preferences to email me whenever I get a DM (direct message). The problem is (was actually) that I cannot ‘Reply’ to those messages – I need to go to my twitter application (mobile, web, desktop) and ‘Reply’ from it. Topify solves that problem. Another feature Topify offers is the ability to follow the people following you – directly from your inbox. You can see the short bio of the person, his/her last update, # of followers/following and other metrics. Want to follow – just ‘Reply’ to the message.
Ezra was kind enough to volunteer for this demo – thanks man! The email thread I captured below has 3 messages: DM I got from Ezra, my reply to him and Topify’s confirmation of that reply. It’s very simple and easy.

You can see the DM Ezra sent me ‘can i volenteer?’ on the top of the image.
Clicking ‘Reply’ via Gmail sends a message to ‘’ – where xxx stands for a unique topify user, ‘d_twitterusername’ is quite obvious.
Last message in that thread is the confirmation from topify that my message was sent to Ezra.

Now all I need someone to develop is a character counter for Gmail – since twitter allows up to 140 chars, and I’m using Gmail to reply, I lost count of the words, and my message got cut by topify. Arik/Ouriel – planning something like this?

Prof. Sheizaf Rafaeli – The Twitter Phenomena

Prof. Sheizaf Rafaeli is a known tech figure in the Israeli landscape, a columnist in several newspapers and Director of INFOSOC – Center for the Study of Information Society at the University of Haifa. In yesterday’s Calcalist, he wrote a column titled ‘The Twitter Phenomena‘, trying to understand why the micro-blogging social media service hasn’t won us (Israelies) over. Sheizaf also refers to the different add-ons (eco-system if you’d like) twitter has helped cultivate, such as twitpic, tweetdeck, tweetfollow, twitterfeed and others.

The phone was born to allow faster communication; Wikipedia offers free access to (open-source) knowledge; commenting (talk-backs) gave people the opportunity to vent. Twitter created a new form of communication, and an eco-system of add-on services.

Sheizaf’s column came in an excellent timing, with IBM Software Forum and Luis Suarez’s post. At IBM Software Forum Niv Calderon talked about monetizing social media, focusing on twitter – with public and corporate examples, such as Ford Motors, Comcast, JetBlue and Chris Brogan – showing how you can reach 1.5m impressions (people) with a single tweet. There’s definitely money in it. Niv recorded his lecture on video, which I’m sure he’ll post soon.
Mid-week I noticed Luis’s post, ‘Using twitter in the enterprise, by Ed Yourdon‘. Luis also focused on twitter as a corporate tool, linking to other posts talking about the business value of twitter, and of course, Ed Yourdon‘s presentation.

I view twitter as a sales and marketing tool. If you happen to follow me around, I’ve been known to tweet about the stuff I sell, people I meet, posts I read, events I speak at. Being interconnected to other social networks (like facebook), updated easily from a variely of end-user devices, focused and captured audience – it’s easy to understand why this micro-blogging tool has reached 6m users. Lotus Software has strengthened its brand name in Israel, and gained some ground against the local competition because of twitter.

As for twitter in Israel, Sheizaf predicts twitter will, eventually, catch on, and Israel will quicky adopt the micro-blogging tool, much like we did with facebook not too long ago…

Sheizaf Rafaeli – The Twitter Phenomena (Hebrew)
Luis Suarez – Using twitter in the enterprise, by Ed Yourdon
IBM Software Forum
Niv Calderon
Pew Study – Twitter users are mobile, urban and engaged online

IBMres’ blogs

IBM has an excellent presence online, not just but also the social space.
Although there’s no official IBM twitter/facebook/blog, there are thousands of IBMers on twitter, facebook, linkedin and other social sites – and hundreds of bloggers as well.

Just in case you’re looking for some IBM bloggers, you can find them (including yours truly) over at There’s also IBM Social Computing Guidelines, that define how IBMers should present themsleves online – worth the read.

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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