Last 2 speaking engagements as an IBMer

I’m not afraid of public speaking, on the contrary – I like it a lot. The interaction with the crowd, the presentations, seeing me on the big screen – all made me quite the popular speaker. Since I’m leaving IBM soon, you’ll have two last chances to catch me speak as an IBMer, this week and the next, about the subject that eludes us all (most of us at least) – Social Media ROI at the business.

The first event is ‘The Enterprise in the Digital Age‘ – a joint IDR (ISV and Developer Relations at IBM) and YCD (ISV) session about internal comm and marketing tools, held this Tuesday, the 17th, at IBM Forum. I’ll be speaking about Social Media ROI, focusing on some customer references of IBM’s Lotus Connections and Lotus Sametime, as well as our own (IBM) internal adoption story. The presentation is already available at

The second event is The 2009 Israeli Chamber of Information Systems Analysts, to be held next Monday, the 23rd, at Kfar Hamacabia, Ramat Gan. I’ll be speaking around noon about (again) ‘The adoption of social media – enterprise 2.0 style’, providing an overview of the entire web/enterprise 2.0, what solutions are available today – both inside and outside the firewall, and wrapping up with IBM’s adoption of such tools. My presentation will be posted later this week at

Hope to see you in one (or both) of these upcoming events.

2 Responses to “Last 2 speaking engagements as an IBMer”

  1. 1 Eyal March 16, 2009 at 12:24

    איזה כיף! שתהיה פרזנטציה סוחפת ומעשירה.

    דבר אחד רק:

    הכפתור “להרשמה למפגשי הפורום הקלק” בעמוד האירוע לא עובד.

  2. 2 Dvir Reznik March 17, 2009 at 10:12

    הי אייל,

    תודה 🙂 אני מקווה שהיא אכן תהיה.. באיזה אירוע – של הלשכה? האתר שלהם לא מדהים, בלשון המעטה, אבל אני אראה מה אפשר לעשות..


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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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