Posts Tagged 'network'

How connected are you?

Since there are SO many social networks and microblogging platforms out there, it’s only rational that services would start to pop up, measuring just how connected are you.
Sort of an ego boost I suppose.

This last one, Twitter Grading, I spotted over at Stuart McIntyre, a colleague.
Basically, measures the relative power of a Twitter user. It is calculated as a percentile score. A grade of 79 means that the user scores higher than 79 percent of the other user profiles that have been graded. Your grade is calculated using a combination of factors including:
* The number of followers you have
* The power of this network of followers
* The pace of your updates
* The completeness of your profile
* …a few others.

So, here’s my Twitter Grading:
Grade of 79, Rank of 6,092 out of 30,512.

Updated list from Stuart’s post:
@belgort 85%
@edbrill 92%
@vowe 88%
@alanlepo 86%
@idonotes 90%
@stuartmcintyre 80%
@dvirreznik 79%

I want a facebook thing. I think

Just wrapped up my presentation at KM Annual Conference (another one), where I got 20min (but took 30) to talk about Enterprise 2.0, or ‘I want a facebook thing. I think‘.
The event was more about traditional knowledge management (aka – documents), and how to maintain a document library within your internal portal, so my Enterprise 2.0 portion was unique and different. I like to be unique.

I adopted some tips from Ed and Alan and came with Jeans and a buttoned shirt (short sleeves – it’s Israel), instead of my usual dress-code. Being the last speaker before lunch is not easy, especially where you consider who came before me. If you happen to follow me on twitter, you know I was up with some fierce competition, as all the speakers before me, and sponsors outside, were MOSS/WSS/Sharepoint integrators. One hilarious moment came when a presenter took the stage to demo a solution over Powerpoint 2007 – but the main hall laptop had Office XP.. :-)) The laptop refused to open the Office 2007 file. LOL

The important thing, I ROCKED !!
And mentioned how IBM beat Sharepoint in Enterprise 2.0 face-off earlier this week.
And gathered some business cards for future opportunities.
I talked about social computing in general (what is facebook), then dived into Lotus Connections (I want something like this…) with references from Ernest & Young and Sprint, and finished with three first steps for piloting/adopting (COOL!! How to get started?).
With little time to spare I didn’t talked about the barriers to adoption, but Enterprise 2.0 Conference already covered this in one of their discussions.

You can view the embed slides below, or download from
The slides are in Hebrew – will prepare an English version over the weekend.

The next net and your business

After 3 days of army reserve training, just before heading home, I stopped at IDC Herzeliya, to lecture on The Next Net – What it means to your business, to the members of The Israeli Innovation Forum – an academic program for executives, run at the Arison School of Business.
The forum aims at creating a community for executives to promote innovation in Israel, while fostering the knowledge and expertise of its members. For full disclosure I’ll mention that the forum is run by IDC with sponsorship from IBM Haifa Research Lab.

There is at least 1 video in my lectures, and on this I had 2, although I had only 30 minutes.
The first video was The Facebook Song, which I saw at Lior Zoref.

This song provides a good intro and ice-breaker to the subject of social network – there are many disciplines, topics, focus areas – 30min was quite a challenge.

Just before slide 3 I did a quick survey, to see if social networking and web 2.0 era had any effect on business leaders – so I asked how many track blogs, write blogs or members of any social network. I liked what I saw – over 60% of participants had their hands up on all 3 questions, which shows social networking and social software is not overlooked, and business leaders are taking it seriously, looking for business opportunities.

In slide 6 a small shiver crossed my body – I noticed that I’m obsolete – not part of the NetGen.
I’m almost 30 (presents are welcome), started working with computers in high school, and had my first cellphone only 10 years ago. The members of the forum reassured me that I’m still very relevant, so it’s cool. For now.

Despite the time (8pm), the members were very cooperative and we had some interesting discussions, on facebook, viral marketing and innovation at the business. To wrap us my lecture I pointed people to BusinesWeek Special Report, Social Networking with the Elite, which I wrote about earlier this week. When I referred to the CIA as the Central Intelligence Agency, one participant told me which CIA is the “important” one – the Culinary Institute of America. I should start cooking more… Gabi, thanks for the tip. Now I know.

You can view my presentations over at

As a (bit long) side comment, I must say Lior is a business colleague/competitor I value – he holds a unique vision on digital media and true to the ‘try it yourself‘ rule, was responsible for several breaking marketing ideas in Israel. The latest being Yossi and Lior‘s Test Broadcasting, a 15min clip, on technology and marketing.

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.