Posts Tagged 'lotus notes'

2010 by the numbers

For the past month or so I’ve been reading and sharing a lot of ‘top 10 of 2010’ lists, and true to my nature – why not post a wrap-up of my own. So, here goes.

2010 in numbers - Google Analytics Dashboard

My numbers for 2010

During 2010 I wrote 62 posts (down from 118 in 2009 – damn I wrote a lot in 09!) that received almost 19,700 page views from 12,668 visitors who spent an average of 1:11 min on my blog.

Top pages you were viewing (hopefully reading too, in no particular order) were: The 101 of getting married in NYC (BTW, did a Jewish wedding too, in August), About pageThe real life facebook Like buttonNokia E72 – day 1Just how big is social mediaDay of mourning Carmel, take Techonomy 2010 by stormLotus Notes TravelerOld Spice case study, and FIFA World Cup 2.0.

In the countries section, we have a mini-revolution: Israel surpassed the US and was the #1 referring country, with almost 4,500 visits (US with just over 3,650). Impressive. I write in English since starting to blog some 8 years ago, so knowing that my words are read mostly by Israelies means a lot – Toda Raba people!!!

2010 in numbers - 15,000 visits from 2,788 cities

Just under 15,000 visits from 2,788 cities

A total of 2,788 cities from 132 countries sent traffic to my blog, and the top 10 countries are: Israel, USA, United Kingdom, India, Germany, Canada, Australia, Italy, Netherlands, and France.

Now, some interesting details…

Mobile devices accounted for 700 visits (5% of site total) – iPhone, Symbian, iPad, Android, and iPod make up the top 5. Time spent and pages/visit are obviously down (people on the go, less time to read, screen size), by 17% and 10%, respectively. I’m positive these numbers will increase in 2011.

15:00-19:00 is the period in which most of you (almost 40%) visited my blog, and another 20% of you read me later, probably at home (19:00-24:00).

In terms of Time Spent on Site, interesting metrics – Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Palestine Territories are among the top 10, with over 2:30 minutes spent here. Maybe my blog will bring peace in 2011, who know…

Somewhat of a disappointment, but I’m not judging anyone – 30% of you opted for Internet Explorer, 37% Firefox, and 21% Chrome. Hope to see a change in 2011..

May was the top visited month with over 2,400 visits, probably due to the fact that it was the most posted month (8 posts).

Facebook, twitter, and LinkedIn are #1, #3, and #5 top referring sites (26% of total traffic) to my blog, with (once an IBMer, always an IBMer I guess) and google taking slots #2 and #4 (all respectively). Social has been a huge content promoter for me in 2010, and I see no reason for this to change in 2011.

Google is the #1 in Search Engine sources, and by far. It accounted for 6,100 visits – more than a 1/3 of total visits, growing month by month – from 250 in January to 800 in December.

Finally, to the 12,668 people who visited my blog in 2010 – it was a blast, I hope you enjoyed, and looking forward to seeing you in 2011.

Thank you and a Happy New Year!!

What has changed since Lotus Notes 6.0.x

Thanks to Lotus Notes product team for putting this deck together (and Ed for sharing!) showing how the Lotus Notes client has evolved since version 6.0.x. The short deck, 17 slides, covers almost every aspect of the client, including:

  • Productivity features
  • Personalization
  • Ease of use
  • Replication and Mobility
  • Collaboration
  • email and calendaring
  • supported OS and more.

Whether you’re a Lotus Notes customer looking for the added value in upgrading to newer releases or you’re using a competitor’s platform and looking for other options – this is what Lotus Notes has to offer. It also shows IBM’s commitment to the product – which in these days, is not something to be taken lightly.

Ed Brill
Lotus Notes client on

Notes/Domino 8.5 announced at Macworld Expo

Some great coverage of IBM presence at Macworld Expo, courtesy of Ed Brill.
First, IBM announced the availability of Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5, which has been highly anticipated, including some great new features – both client and server side, and Mac support. You can also review the deck of ‘Introducing Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5‘ over at slideshare.
Head over to Ed’s post for more details on this important announcement.

Secondly, IBM also announced release 1.2.1 of Lotus Symphony, the open-office based productivity suite, available for free download at

Thirdly, great press coverage from the event.

Ed Brill
Alan Lepofsky
Chris Reckling
IBM announcement
IBM press room

IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5 Presentation

Following IBM-Nokia announcement from last week, now comes the presentation that provides a quick overview about IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5. (via Alan Lepofsky and twitter).

Microsoft Israel CFO: IM can save you money

Everyone knows instant messaging and unified communication solutions can save you money, but I find the above statement a bit ironic, considering Microsoft’s pricing model. Only yesterday I spoke at a small gathering of hi-tech and SMB executives about collaboration at a start-up company – how you can save money by opting IBM over Microsoft. My post ‘Now’s the time to deploy IM‘ is also a great reference on this issue. Today Microsoft Israel CFO told a larger gathering of SMB executives that UC is the 2nd IT solution (out of 3) that can help mitigate the current economic crisis and decrease expenses.

First off I’m glad to hear Microsoft is doing what it can to help local businesses. These are tough times, and any executive needs to have some action plan in place to navigate the coming 3-9 months. Nevertheless, I hope customers, when evaluating IT spending, are looking more closely at the numbers, rather than the product logo. Here’s a slide that will help:

Lotus have an excellent, open standards, desktop solution that features:
messaging, basic collaboration and document mgmt., instant messaging, office productivity editors, mobile access, application development, SQL and SAP integration, Eclipse based and Domino server – for $201-$338 for user, depending on your OS.

If it’s only IM you want, Lotus Sametime can run on both Lotus Notes and or Microsoft Outlook, starting at $21 for user. More information about IBM’s award winning IM solution can be found here.

So, how much are you paying for your desktop? – Microsoft CFO: Leasing can save up to 30%; recession is the best time to invest in IT (Hebrew)
Image: Microsoft vs. Lotus – Desktop components

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.