Posts Tagged 'israel'

What have I been doing lately

I’m un-employed since April 23rd, and being in that status has some perks, but also some down-sides. The perks are obvious: being free, no agenda, no business emails, sleeping late, watching NBA finals till 5am, going to the beach, learning new skills, re-connecting with friends. The downsides are less obvious and being without a laptop is one of them. Since 2001 I always had a laptop, T23, T41 and X60 – and only when one looses it, one realizes how important it was.

The immediate results:

  • blog postings have decreased to 1-3 a week
  • twittering has increased dramatically
  • mobile solutions rule

I am going to buy a netbook very soon, the Asus EeePC 1000HE, which got great reviews, and my expectations were high last week looking forward to its arrival, but B&H disappointed me in a very un-cool way.

Yaniv and Niv over at newsgeek, Israel’s new tech blog, asked me to start writing for the blog, which I was very happy to do. Writing was always a passion (same as talking.. ;-), and posting in Hebrew about the topics that interest me is a treat. Make sure you rss newsgeek’s feed.

Job-wise, still nothing closed. Been searching and applying for sales/marketing positions on the usual sites, and I’m offering myself as a freelance marketer in specific projects. Have declined 2 positions so far, 2 more are in the pipeline at an advanced stages, and the future is still wide open.

Bottom-line – I’m enjoying my time, evaluating what I want to do next, and where, and most important: spending (more) quality time with my fiancee!
And here’s a little preview to something I’m looking forward to this week… 😉

My (other) day blog – in Ivrit

Over the past month or so I’ve been getting awesome support and feedback from the community, looking for my next challenge in the business world – thank you friends!

As of today I’m still un-employed, but with couple of strong leads. Being home allowed me to take some time and figure out what I want to do next, and it also gave me more time to stay connected, blogging, twitting and sharing with people who’s opinion I value. One of the things I set to do is increase my visibility and creditability in Israel, post-IBM days, and as I learned at IBM, Hebrew can go a long way… 😉

As of yesterday I joined the writers team of Feldman and Niv Calderon, and my first post was aired today: ‘The mission: staying updated‘. As a blogger for newsgeek I’ll be covering social media, software, gadgets and cellular – and any other topic that has value to our readers (and I have something smart to say about). Juggling 2 blogs at the same time is a new task for me, and some of my posts at might originate from here, but with a local twist of course. I’m not in the business of duplicating/translating content.
Do hope you’ll find my articles interesting – share, rss and comment as you see fit.

Shidurey going for 1,000

I’ll keep it simple:
Shidurey are doing an un-official competition with on who’ll reach 1,000 twitter followers first. Those competitions are getting quite popular.. 😉

הודעה מיוחדת from Yosi Taguri on Vimeo.

So, help Yosi and Lior beat Ynet, and by doing so, both will shave (wax) their chest.
That alone is worth the follow.. :-))

Start following Shidurey now.

Orange Shop Press Conference

Monday was my first press conference, as Orange (one of Israel’s cellular providers) invited journalists and bloggers to attend its Orange Shop launch – the first in Israel.
Over the past year Orange has changed its business strategy from a cellular company to a communications company, offering the full range of services: mobile, internet (ISP) and phone (land line). Orange Shop TLV is the first one to open, with 7 more planned for 2009 (overall cost of $2.5m).
In the press conference Orange CEO, David Avner, had this to say:

Orange is leading the way in terms of customer service and working tirelessly on rising the standards, cultivating customer loyalty and seeking ‘the next big thing’ that would provide value to our customers.

How I came to be at Orange press conference?
My friend Eti from Blink has invited some bloggers to the launch, which was an excellent decision, in my opinion – the days in which press conferences were for journalists alone are over. The content is being written by anyone, and any company, specifically a consumer oriented one (like Orange), must be present at the same space its customers are – facebook, twitter, flickr, qik and the others. Microsoft were the first to do so last year, at Tech-Ed 2008, when they invited bloggers to the journalists’ sessions, including high profile interviews with Microsoft executives.

Joining the conversation
The natural impact of having bloggers at the conference is that exposure was instant. All of us started twitting about it, taking pictures and shooting live video – and comments came shortly after. I’m not an Orange customer so can’t comment, but most of the replies I got regarded Orange’s customer service and not the launch of the shop.
This is why it’s important to have a corporate voice in the conversation. Orange brought bloggers that started a discussion online, but no one was there to respond, like in Comcast, Ford or JetBlue for instance. Now that twitter has become a house-hold name, and everyone are jumping the wagon, having a corporate voice that is part of the discussion is even more important.

Orange Shop
#orangeshop on twitter
Qik video from the press conference (thanks to Yarin)
Pictures from the press conference (thanks to Ilan)
Press coverage: Ynet, walla, newsgeek (congrats to Niv and Yaniv for opening newsgeek!)
It’s a followers gameOrli Yakuel at Themarker about Twitter.

7 days

It’s getting close people, and sometimes I think that only when it truly happens will I understand (and absorb) it fully. In 7 days I’ll be un-employed.

I might have been in denial, at a subconscious level at least, but next Wed will be my last day at IBM, and with the local market conditions, the future is somewhat foggy. Israel has suffered a blow from the worldwide economic recession, but unlike the US, Russia and parts of Europe, our unemployment numbers are ‘relatively’ low, and expected to reach 7.5% 3Q09.

Job Search 2.0
I am using these 4 sites heavily:,, and LinkedIn in my daily searches for open positions. I’m also using facebook and twitter to market myself and my skills, and this blog as an online CV for potential head-hunters. Speaking of head-hunters, I met with 3 already, planning to meet 2 more after Pesach. Leaving an employer such as IBM at times like this might sound crazy to some people, but those who know me understand why. I know what I’m looking for in my next job and understand my fellow un-employees refusing to work at teenagers salary.

I know my next job is out there (already met it), just need to work hard to get it.. 😉

National Insurance Institute of Israel
LinkedIn Jobs
What I’m looking for?

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.