7 days

It’s getting close people, and sometimes I think that only when it truly happens will I understand (and absorb) it fully. In 7 days I’ll be un-employed.

I might have been in denial, at a subconscious level at least, but next Wed will be my last day at IBM, and with the local market conditions, the future is somewhat foggy. Israel has suffered a blow from the worldwide economic recession, but unlike the US, Russia and parts of Europe, our unemployment numbers are ‘relatively’ low, and expected to reach 7.5% 3Q09.

Job Search 2.0
I am using these 4 sites heavily: jobnet.co.il, jobmaster.co.il, Israemploy.net and LinkedIn in my daily searches for open positions. I’m also using facebook and twitter to market myself and my skills, and this blog as an online CV for potential head-hunters. Speaking of head-hunters, I met with 3 already, planning to meet 2 more after Pesach. Leaving an employer such as IBM at times like this might sound crazy to some people, but those who know me understand why. I know what I’m looking for in my next job and understand my fellow un-employees refusing to work at teenagers salary.

I know my next job is out there (already met it), just need to work hard to get it.. 😉

National Insurance Institute of Israel
LinkedIn Jobs
What I’m looking for?

4 Responses to “7 days”

  1. 1 ezrabutler April 16, 2009 at 07:58

    I love the line that the Israeli worker is spoiled. I really do. After investing years of one’s life in learning/perfecting skills (in the case of the article – computer engineering), he is considered spoiled because he will not take a 5,000 NIS customer service job.

    What does this say about the customer service professionals here in Israel?

    What scares me the most about this article, though, was that the HR CEO didn’t realize that different people have different skill sets.

    That said, Dvir, I know a company looking for someone to clean the stairs once a week. Unfortunately, it will be at a different time every week, so you will be unable to hold down another job.

    I will forward on your CV if you are interested.

  2. 2 TalTalK April 16, 2009 at 10:34

    Good luck, Dvir. You need to do what’s good for you, and if you need to leave, then do it. Good luck finding a new job. It’s not as bad out there as people make it seem, I think. I was laid off back in November and found a job fairly quickly. I”m sure you will, too.

  3. 3 Dvir Reznik April 16, 2009 at 18:27

    Thanks Ezra, Talia!

    Ezra – think I’ll decline your offer, at this stage. Maybe some start-up will want me and I wanna be available.. 😉
    And yes, customer services professionals are paid little money for a very difficult job, if you’re considering the average Israeli customer arriving to these centers.

  1. 1 2010 by the numbers | Dvir Reznik Trackback on December 31, 2010 at 22:19
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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at] gmail.com



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