Posts Tagged 'ibm'

Gmail Labs adds Lotus Notes Replication Capability

One of the many things I love about Google Reader is its Offline mode – which comes in handy especially during flights. I can read (a lot of) feeds and blogs, marking for later the things I want to tag/dogear/post/delicious. This story at caught my eye, talking about Gmail Labs adding offline capability to the popular e-mail service. Wow.

Don’t get me wrong, I do love Gmail (much more than Yahoo! Mail), and the Labs have some cool products, BUT, two things bugs me in this story:

The first, Lotus Notes has been sporting this ‘offline’ mode since its inception, some 16 years ago. It’s called ‘Replication‘, and allows you to take everything (not just emails) offline, including composite applications, calendar, emails with attachments – and syncing with the Domino server when such a connection is available.

The second is the total disregard to Lotus Notes and Domino as a desktop email client/platform. The reporter, Dora Kishinevsky, mentions that such a feature is similar to what desktop email clients do, like Outlook. Israel is a Microsoft country, but there are other vendors, and some journalists know that.

Gmail Labs adds offline capability –
Google unveils beta of offline Gmail option – NetworkWorld (via Ed Brill)
Gmail Labs adds a decade old Notes feature – Alan Lepofsky

Barcelona and Verona

Flying out to Europe tomorrow, quick business travel, until Friday.
I’ll be at Barcelona Tuesday afternoon through Thu morning, and in Venice Thu evening.
If anyone wants to meet up for some drinks and conversation, post a comment here, @dvirreznik or email dvirreznik at Since it’s a business travel, and I’m not alone, will do my best to accommodate the requests.
Adios 🙂

Lotusphere in Hebrew

Yesterday marked the 3rd day of IBM Lotusphere 2009, the annual customer conference on Lotus and WebSphere Portal solutions. Day 1 and 2 of the conference brought exciting new announcements, unvielved new solution and upgraded versions of Lotus products.

Unlike recent years where we had little exposure in Israel about Lotusphere, this year is very different. The reason – Or Yaacov, editor at The People – every day Or publishes one or two separate articles from Lotusphere, reaching a wide audience of IT professionals, and making the necessary noise in the local online media. Case in point – the title of today’s article (page 1) was ‘Exchange is not the solution to every problem and need’, a quote by Bob Picciano, Lotus GM.

So, for those looking for Hebrew articles on Lotusphere, here’s a list of articles I found. If you want to contribute, feel free to comment with the link and I’ll insert it to this post (along with the contributer of course.. ;-).

Efrat Kotler – IBM Lotusphere 2009 (TheMarker Cafe)
Ed Brill Interview – Lotus Notes for Mac and Mobile (The People)
Bob Picciano, Lotus GM Interview (The People)
Alloy, by IBM and SAP (The People)
IBM goes to the clouds and takes partners for the journey (TheMarker)
IBM announces LotusLive – Lotus portfolio in SaaS model (The People)
Lotusphere 2009 opens today (The People)

Lotusphere 2009 – Now in Session !!

It’s happening people, started yesterday, throughout the week, IBM is holding its annual and largest Lotus event of the year – Lotusphere 2009. An estimate of 10,000 customers and business partners will attend the 16th Lotusphere, and I can guarantee some surprises and major announcements!!

The first one was announced 2 hours ago, at the Opening General Session, which you can follow, live, at the (formely known as BlueHouse)
LotusLive provides essential collaboration services to simplify and improve your daily business interactions with customers, partners and colleagues. Work with people seamlessly inside and outside your organization and streamline communications. LotusLive helps you bring people and information together quickly and simply in an easy-to-use environment, designed with security in mind.

You can already head over to and register for a free account, that would allow you to share and network with your colleagues, and even conduct live e-meetings with your network. I’m already there, look me up.

You can head over to the News section at, and learn of the new solution as they come available. If you’re an early adopter type of person, like me, head over to, and learn first-hand – from public bloggers covering the event.

Or Yaacov, Editor at The People, is at Lotusphere, delivering live coverage of the event. You can catch his daily updates here.

Lotusphere 2009 Buzz

Lotusphere 2009 is starting in just under 12 hours, and the net is already buzzing with news about Lotus’ big event. There are couple of ways to stay on top of what’s going on in Orlando this week, too many ways in fact, so here are my fav 5 (10 actually):
Lotusphere on twitter
Lotusphere Blog
Ed Brill (twitter or blog)
Alan, Bruce, LotusEvangelist, Bilal and Alex.

Lotusphere meets SouthPark

In preparation for Lotus’ big week, IBM have been releasing some sneak-peaks and spoilers at what’s coming up at the 16th Annual Lotus Event. Here are some of them.
IBM offers sneak pick at Lotusphere 2009

IBM confirmed to that there will be four new product announcements at the event, and that new online collaboration services will be unveiled. IBM Lotus programme director Chris Reckling plans to demonstrate how new social software tools are needed to meet new communication challenges. – More firms are switching from Microsoft Outlook to Lotus Notes

The increasing market share Lotus is enjoying, both through retaining existing clients and gaining significant numbers of new customers, suggests that IBM’s Lotus platform strategy is highly successful and sustainable.

More than half of Fortune Global 100 are using Lotus Notes and Domino

Over the past 15 months ending in the third quarter of 2008, more than 12,000 new organizations bought their first Notes/Domino licenses, and more than half of the Fortune global 100 now use Lotus Notes and Domino. This includes more than 80 percent of the largest banks, consumer product, electronics, insurance, pharmaceutical and telecommunications companies — as well as more than 50 percent of America’s largest 100 companies.

IBM acquires Outblaze – online messaging, collaboration service provider

The messaging service will become part of the IBM Lotus “Bluehouse” online social networking and collaboration project that’s currently in open beta, IBM said. The company is expected to disclose more details at next week’s Lotusphere conference in Orlando, Fla., about how the Outblaze assets will become part of IBM’s online portfolio.

I’m a Mac, I’m a PC (and I’m a Linux)

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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