Posts Tagged 'government'

IBM’s CEO at the White House with President Obama

I was relaxing one evening at my hotel in Barcelona, watching CNN, when all of a sudden I see Sam Palmisano, IBM CEO, alongside US President Barack Obama. I read on our corporate intranet that Palmisano presented his remarks on the economic stimulus plan to the White House, had no idea he actually met with Pres. Obama.

IBM CEO, Sam Palmisano, participated in a roundtable discussion of business leaders with President Obama to discuss the economy. Sam was also asked to give a brief speech.
My colleagues Todd (Turbo) Watson and Adam Christensen already wrote about this, with links to the video from CNBC and the transcript.

Sam visits the White House – Todd Watson
Economic stimulus remarks from IBM’s CEO – A Smarter Planet (Adam Christensen)
A smarter planet: The next leadership agenda – Council on Foriegn Relations
Government investment could lead to 900,000 IT jobs – eWeek
Samuel J. Palmisano –

Amidar Housing picked IBM WebSphere Portal

Amidar Housing, the government agency responsible for housing in Israel, has just launched its redesigned website, developed over IBM WebSphere Portal Express software. Excellent gift for the holidays!
During the 2nd stage of the project, Amidar – along with Web-Tech Innovation, IBM BP specializing in portal and KM solutions – will launch a new intranet website, that would connect Amidar’s 500 employees spread at 50 locations across the country.

Amidar picked IBM in July 2008, with a definite roadmap to launch the redesigned site by the end of the year. The solution, WebSphere Portal Express V6.0 (packaged for small-medium businesses), along with WebSphere Dashboard Framework, provides the perfect platform for Adimar, and cost-effective one, to develop and deploy 2 portals over a single infrastructure – exploiting the solution’s capability of ‘Virtual Portal’.

Amidar also took advantage of some innovative web 2.0 technologies embeded in the solution, by deploying the map you see above, of the various locations across Israel. The launch of the redesigned site, as well as the internal portal (to be launched soon), are part of Amidar’s 2009 approach of focusing on the customer’s needs.

Yaacov Brosh, Amidar CEO:

Access to public housing and learning the rights every citizen entitles to, demand first of all – access to information. The redesigned website provides just that.

Amir Belferman, Amidar CIO:

Building over WebSphere Portal technology enabled us flexibility in content management, easy setup of the different pages/categories and operational efficiency, under a very short time frame. We plan to maximize the platform in the future, by enhancing the services and information we provide to our customers online.

Amidar website
Amidar improves customer care by launching a redesigned website built over IBM technology
IBM web portal software
WebSphere Portal Express software

The facebook test

Met with another government agency today, to discuss about social software for the enterprise, or Enterprise 2.0. As I mentioned before there’s a hugh difference between Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0, and implementing social software solutions within the firewall is not that common. Yet.

The meeting was actually a lead from the KM Summit I lectured a month ago, and today I met the KM Manager of that agency. They are a pretty large agency, with couple departments, already using internal portal and other KM tools, so they are quite advanced in that aspect. Still, Enterprise 2.0 is something entirely different.

When we started talking freely about the value and benefits of Enterprise 2.0 I decided to try the facebook test, out of the blue. I didn’t rehearse this before the meeting, it was an ad-hoc attempt, to see how many employees are members of that government agency group on facebook.
We found over 20 different groups, in one of them – 500 members. Impressive.

What did we learn?
First, the demand is out there, people want to share their content and connect online. It’s their way of communicating with the world, and even with their friends.
Second, when lacking the right tools within the firewall, they turn to tools outside the firewall, sharing content that should have stayed inside.
Third, it’s time to seriously consider Enterprise 2.0 tools. And that’s the hard part.

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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