Posts Tagged 'רשתות חברתיות'

Twitter grew 1,444% in a year

If someone here needed another proof to the change twitter has made, Nielsen released its Social Media QuickTake for May 2009, showing an amazing 1,444% growth in visitors – from 1.2m in May 2008 to 18.2m in May 2009. Wow! Time spent on per person (not factoring the twitter apps I imagine) has also risen – from 6min in May 2008 to 17min a year later (+175%). Both are amazing figures, showcasing the revolution twitter has made in 2008/9 – starting with The US Presidential Election, the Earthquakes in China and the Elections in Iran.

The question now is ‘what’s next’, for twitter, facebook and others, as they reach super-mass adoption, and would (obviously) prefer to avoid ‘the myspace phenomenon‘. Nielsen already noticed that the ‘month-over-month’ rate is very minor: +7% in # of users and -1% in time spent – which in social networking terms is bad. That halt in growth has to do in part to the business model, or lack of it.

Twitter is a lot of things, and I salute the guys for providing the platform and building an impressive ecosystem, but at some point in time someone at Twitter HQ will need to step up and present what they plan for twitter in 2010.

Jeff Schick talks to Blonde2.0

Jeff Schick, VP Social Software for IBM Software Group, visited Israel back in September, for a very intense 36 hours, during which he and Arjan Radder (Social Software Sales Mgr., IBM Europe) met with customers and analysts, talking about enterprise 2.0, collaboration within the firewall and empowering the workforce. The last interview Jeff had was with my friend and social media colleague Blonde 2.0 (aka Ayelet Noff) – talking about how IBM is embracing social media tools internally and what future technologies the market can expect from IBM in that field. The video interview Ayelet did just went live on her blog.

Blonde 2.0 – A talk about IBM’s social software technologies

IBM/Lotus User Forum – 3 days away

Been getting a lot of feedback from customers and colleagues about the importance of this user forum, and we definitely plan to host more like it, with 2-3 customer success stories and an IBM demo. The event page at is also live (4 days), where we’ll upload the slides and some pics from the event. The expected attendance is surprising, with some 110 people (!): over 70 RSVPed at FB, others commented at TheMarker Cafe (here, here and here), dozens have either email/text me, and some registered at friendfeed. Amazing!

This is actually the first event at IBM Israel (that I’m aware of at least) that was advertised using social media only, without the traditional DM (direct marketing) tactics – email, distribution lists, advertising, articles, interactive, phone calls, etc. Sometime next week, after we’ll have time to study and evaluate the outcome, I’ll post my impressions (and lessons learnt) of organizing an event using social media only.

In the meantime, I’ve conculded my intro presentation (first slide above), which will be posted after the event at and my slideshare space. The presentations of Sharon Ben Haim (Ministry of Finance) and Gabby Shoval (Menora Insurance) will also be available at

See you all Monday @ 15:30 !

Social networks, meet virtual worlds

If you’re following my twitter it’s easy to understand why my blogging activity during the week is kinda slow – I’m out of the office most of the week, visiting customers, talking to business partners and speaking to analysts – not to mention the KM and Collaboration Event we’re throwing on Sep. 8th !!!
Register now!

My interest with virtual worlds began some 2 years ago, when I read about IBM’s activities in Second Life. Since then I spoke about those initiatives and held some public and internal workshops, trying to explain why IBM care about SL in particular and virtual worlds in general. Since taking Lotus Software sales under my arms I decided to focus on Lotus (big surprise), but still read and subscribe to some VR colleagues, local and international.

Coming Thursday (July 31st) I’ll be at the DiGRA Israel Summer Forum, ‘Where Games and Real Life Meet‘. My friend Dr. Hanan Gazit asked me to participate in a panel called ‘When Videogames, Social Networks and Virtual Worlds Merge‘, alongside Mr. Asi Burak, Mr. Guy Ben-Dov and Attorny Jonathan Klinger.

If you have Thursday evening off, and want to hear about the future of social networks, join us at Holon Institue of Technology. And don’t be a stranger, come and say ‘hi’.. 🙂

DiGRA Israel Summer Forum (En)
DiGRA Israel Summer Forum (He)
Holon Institute of Technology

40% Y/Y growth for Enterprise 2.0 market

According to a Wainhouse Research study, recently released, the Enterprise Social Networking (ESN) market will reach $2B by 2013, with a projected 40% growth Y/Y.
The study, The Enterprise Social Networking Landscape, Volume 1: Market Dynamics, Sizing and Forecast, states that the ESN market is still in its infancy stages, reaching ‘only’ $200m.

Wainhouse Research conclusion (emphasis by me):

Social Networking in enterprise is inevitable. This conclusion is based on the benefits enterprise could achieve from using social networking technology and tracking historical adoption patterns of similar technologies.

This study is a complement report to IBM’s Strategy for Taking Social Networking to the Enterprise: An Inside Look at Lotus Connections report, released earlier this year.

In Israel, the market is still trying to understand what enterprise 2.0 is all about, and how they can harness those solutions to generate revenue. Probably the local ESN growth rate will not be 40% in 2009, but I’m positive Israel will discover enterprise 2.0 in the first half of 2009. We have excellent partners already working with a limited number of customers on adopting such solutions, building the business cases and best practices.
Wanna be an early adopter of enterprise 2.0? Now is the time to do so.

MarketWatch – Enterprise Social Networking Market Expected to Reach $2B by 2013
Wainhouse Research – Enterprise Social Networking reports
Adopt enterprise 2.0 – I want a facebook thing. I think.

[photo from]

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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