Posts Tagged 'צאט'

70 million ‘new’ chatters

facebook announced today that this week, April 6th, is the week facebook chat will roll-out. This new ‘killer’ app was on the sights of many developers, analysts and bloggers, and I guess facebook developers got the same memo.
“We’ll be rolling this (facebook chat) out slowly going forward, but fairly soon you’ll notice our new Chat bar at the bottom of your browser—no installation or assembly required. From this bar you can view your list of online friends and open conversations with any or all of them. There’s no need to setup a buddy list.”
Couple of questions for the community/developers:

  • will you be able to multi-chat with several friends?
  • what advanced functionality will the chat have (screenshare, screengrab, file sharing)?
  • will the facebook chat API be available for developers (plugin for telephony for instance?)?

Now, a challenge to my Lotus colleagues in Israel and the US – add facebook chat as another community to my Lotus Sametime client or embed Lotus Notes 8.0.1 client… that would revolutionize the industry (and create some new security issues, for sure.. 😉

With additional 69 millions public IM users, I bet the guys over at Gartner are very happy now, seeing their predictions become a reality.

“You’re so Fired !”

Now, truthfully, wouldn’t you like to do what they’re doing? at least once?!
I totally see myself in a helmet, bashing old IT hardware – looks FUN !!

Seen at Adam’s.

And, while we’re at Lotus Sametime – Happy 10th Birthday !!!
Yes, IBM Lotus Sametime, the award-winning corporate instant messaging solution, with over 18 million users, is 10 years old. And what a better present than (another) award, this one from Frost & Sullivan, 2008 North American Enterprise Product of the Year.

IBM Lotus came out swinging with its Sametime unified communications and collaboration product suite,” said Melanie Turek, Frost & Sullivan. “One of the key things that makes Sametime standout from competitors is that it supports multi-vendor environments, which are the norm for most mid- and large-size organizations today.

Happy Birthday !

IM-ing and virtual worlds

What the future holds for virtual worlds? will Second Life continue to reign the scene in 2008 or will other environments be introduced? maybe or Active Worlds? what business applications will flourish? and what do we want VW to do for us?
Many questions, not as many answers. Roo Reynolds and Ian Hughes have tried to answer these and other questions about virtual worlds in a recent podcast to Voices in Business blog.

One of Bob Sutor’s challenges for virtual worlds in 2008 is to allow instant messaging (IM) between virtual worlds.

Work to allow instant messaging between virtual worlds. I am “Nigel Paravane” in Second Life and I’m happy to provide that information on or Facebook, for example, so that messages can be routed to me when I am in or out of that world.

I couldn’t agree more. As virtual worlds take center stage in 2008, the integration to real world will be crucial for survival. The opportunity is in that connections. One of the presentations at Unified Communication session at Lotusphere was given by Konrad Lagarde, Lotus Sametime development manager. Konrad showed some beta features currently being tested, that ‘may or may not be included in the future’.

Lagarde then showed his avatar running to a meeting in a virtual world. Once there, he uses a passcode to take control of the conferencing features in the room before putting up a slide show on a screen. The virtual room also was equipped with softphone voice communications and a whiteboard.

Already Lotus Sametime provides multiple services, other than the basic text chatting: integration with VoIP, integration with video conferencing systems, ability to add plugins (Eclipse based), chat outside the firewall (Sametime Gateway) and much more. Connection to Second Life is underway, and it won’t be long before you’ll be invited to a Sametime meeting, at a virtual place, with avatars representing the participants.

Bob Sutor: Seven challenges and priorities for virtual worlds in 2008
Networkworld: Lotus toying with Sametime features

Lotus Sametime Mobile

A very nice video from Philippe Poupeleer of Lotus Business Partner EASI, on using Lotus Sametime mobile.

I’m currently dealing with configuration bugs in order to make my N95 work with Lotus Sametime Mobile.. Since there must be a secure connection to IBM network, I downloaded Lotus Mobility Client to tunnel my way into the firewall. But, the N95 came a bit short on that task – apparently, there’s no EAP-LEAP plugin available at the Wi-Fi wizard, a plugin that exists on the Nokia E series, such as the E61. Strange.. I wrote to Nokia support and some colleagues in the US in hope of getting an answer – it’s a plugin, so there must be a way to install it, no?
Anyhow, if somewhere out there found a solution, I’d appreciate the comment.. 😉

Final note about Lotusphere, which starts tomorrow – unfortunately, not gonna make it this time around. I looked forward to this awesome event, but have other obligations this week. The job of following Lotusphere from afar is evry easy – head over to, type your name and follow the action as it unfolds (thanks to Carl Tyler and Chris Miller). I’ll do my best to follow the announcements and sessions online, and update here asap. Live blogging will surely take place, so watch out for some Lotus blogs out there, as well as the event website itself: . In the trend of collaboration, you can also subscribe to the lotusphere twitter page. Enjoy !

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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