Posts Tagged 'לוטוספייר'

Lotus Sametime Mobile

A very nice video from Philippe Poupeleer of Lotus Business Partner EASI, on using Lotus Sametime mobile.

I’m currently dealing with configuration bugs in order to make my N95 work with Lotus Sametime Mobile.. Since there must be a secure connection to IBM network, I downloaded Lotus Mobility Client to tunnel my way into the firewall. But, the N95 came a bit short on that task – apparently, there’s no EAP-LEAP plugin available at the Wi-Fi wizard, a plugin that exists on the Nokia E series, such as the E61. Strange.. I wrote to Nokia support and some colleagues in the US in hope of getting an answer – it’s a plugin, so there must be a way to install it, no?
Anyhow, if somewhere out there found a solution, I’d appreciate the comment.. 😉

Final note about Lotusphere, which starts tomorrow – unfortunately, not gonna make it this time around. I looked forward to this awesome event, but have other obligations this week. The job of following Lotusphere from afar is evry easy – head over to, type your name and follow the action as it unfolds (thanks to Carl Tyler and Chris Miller). I’ll do my best to follow the announcements and sessions online, and update here asap. Live blogging will surely take place, so watch out for some Lotus blogs out there, as well as the event website itself: . In the trend of collaboration, you can also subscribe to the lotusphere twitter page. Enjoy !

Lotusphere 2008 is 14 days ahead

Lotusphere 2008 is just around the corner, with 14 days left…
The 15th annual Lotus event will take place (again) in Orlando Florida, from January 20-24. You can find lots of information on the official site, at There are many sessions and lectures available, and I haven’t decided which ones I will attend, but I found just the DB to help me sort it out.

Genii Software built this cool DB of Lotusphere 2008 sessions, that covers all the sessions in the 5 days event. You can view lectures by title, speaker, company, session id, day/time, track/day/time and more. Opening a lecture lets you see what else is ‘playing’ at the same time, or what other lectures the location facilitates. Basically you can have a very good view of what’s available. There’s even a ‘tag cloud’ view…

I’ll be live-blogging from Lotusphere 2008, as I’m sure others will, so stay tuned for updates, pictures and announcements !!!

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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