Posts Tagged 'מדיה חברתית'

Lotusphere 2009 – Now in Session !!

It’s happening people, started yesterday, throughout the week, IBM is holding its annual and largest Lotus event of the year – Lotusphere 2009. An estimate of 10,000 customers and business partners will attend the 16th Lotusphere, and I can guarantee some surprises and major announcements!!

The first one was announced 2 hours ago, at the Opening General Session, which you can follow, live, at the (formely known as BlueHouse)
LotusLive provides essential collaboration services to simplify and improve your daily business interactions with customers, partners and colleagues. Work with people seamlessly inside and outside your organization and streamline communications. LotusLive helps you bring people and information together quickly and simply in an easy-to-use environment, designed with security in mind.

You can already head over to and register for a free account, that would allow you to share and network with your colleagues, and even conduct live e-meetings with your network. I’m already there, look me up.

You can head over to the News section at, and learn of the new solution as they come available. If you’re an early adopter type of person, like me, head over to, and learn first-hand – from public bloggers covering the event.

Or Yaacov, Editor at The People, is at Lotusphere, delivering live coverage of the event. You can catch his daily updates here.

Social media adoption – the IBM story

Last week I had the pleasure of talking to a group of college students from Canada, who came to Israel with Hillel Foundation of Toronto. They visited IBM for half a day, and we had a good discussion about social media and how IBM adopted it internally. As anyone, they were looking for the ROI, so I gave them examples of how social media at IBM helps me on a daily basis.
All of them were Gen Y of course, so at the first portion of my presentation (what is web/enterprise 2.0) I just hit ‘next’ all the time.. 😉

Since most participants knew what social media is, an interesting discussion started, of why it’s important and how such tools will benefit them – in the coming months. Some of the students were already part of the social media space, either working at VCs or other organizations aimed at helping SU companies in their early stages.

It was an excellent opportunity to share some of the work IBMers are doing using social media tools, for the past 5 years now! We have lots of social media tools (see slide above), some stay as research projects while others grow up and become IBM solutions (such as our social software solution – Lotus Connections).

The presentation from last week is available at my slideshare space.
Feel free to leave your comments and thoughts!

How was the tweetup last night?

Excellent!!! Thanks for asking 😉

Last night couple of socially connected friends gathered at Cafe Greg, for the 1st official Israeli Twitter Meeting, or tweetup. It was planned in under a week, and I was definitely impressed with the attendance level, especially given the winter weather that Israel is experiencing – 18 people showed up, and I was very pleased.

So, I’d like to thank those who showed up (and if I left someone out, please shout and I’ll amend):
Niv Calderon, Shira Abel, Ezra Butler, Ayelet Noff, Naor Mark, Tal Ater, Israel Blechman, Didi Chanuch, Alex De Carvalho, Vera Sachs, Binyamin Netanyahu, Ahuva Berger, Lior Sion, Sarah Peguine, Dan Peguine, and QassamCount.

Niv already wrote a post about the tweetup and Tal uploaded some photos to fb.

See you at the next tweetup! and Merry Christmas 🙂

Israeli Hanuka Tweetup

If you’re following me you know there’s an Israeli Tweetup (Twitter + Meetup) this Wed (or Thu). Everything is outlined at the FB event, no point repeating it here in length, so just a quick summary:
One of my good friends across the pond said this dude is coming to Israel, and is very much into social media and collaboration – worth meeting with. Quick look at his credentials and I already commented on his Israel Visit post to start the discussion. I wanted to suggest we’ll meet over beer and burger, but what’s the point without the community?!

In just 36 hours, only social, no email/phone/sms, we managed to organize this tweetup, with 20 people attending and 36 maybe’s. We dubbed this meeting as Israeli tweetup, since we’ve been talking about doing something like this for some time now.

The details, which more of are available at fb:
Date & time: Wed., Dec. 24th, 20:30 (3rd candle of Hanuka)
Where: Tel Aviv. Aroma Namal at the moment, but probably will change to TLV University
Who: anyone who wants to come

See you there :-))

Photo: Alex De Carvalho’s blog
Twitter Israel: SeoVice

Twitter made us $1M

Yoav from Blink caught this VentureBeat story some days ago, and wrote a subsequent post (in Hebrew) titled ‘What’s in it for me?‘. In his post, Yoav talks about the thing that’s in the heart of any discussion about social media – ROI. From VentureBeat article:

Dell says Twitter has produced $1 million in revenue over the past year and a half through sale alerts. People who sign up to follow Dell on Twitter receive messages when discounted products are available the company’s Home Outlet Store. They can click over to purchase the product or forward the information to others.

Yoav quotes Seth Godin by categorizing twitter more as a reach tool than a sales tool – a claim I totally agree with. Nevertheless, when we discuss about social media, monetization, business value – we cannot overlook the bottom line, which is money.

As a social media evangelist, I want more people and more companies on board, not because they have to but because there are results and value. Making $1M in revenues will certainly bring more people and businesses into the social media space – because they’ll see both the value and the return.

Yoav Farhi – What’s in it for me? (Hebrew)
VentureBeat – Twitter has made Dell $1M in revenues

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.