Welcome to my new home – dvirreznik.com

After almost 3 years and over 400 posts at Blogger, I decided it’s time to leave the nest, and join the ‘big-boys’ playground. Welcome to my new website – dvirreznik.com !

Welcome to my new homeI’ll write later this week about the migration process and the steps I took moving from Blogger to WordPress, was relatively easy. If you’re reading this via your favorite RSS Reader, please make sure you’re subscribed to the new feed http://www.dvirreznik.com/feed/. I’ve updated feedburner, but you can never be 100% sure..

My first blog post was on January 17 2007, where I wrote: I wanted to open a blog for some time now, as part of this ‘web 2.0′ trend that’s flooding the web and the IT/Business scene, but there was always something else in my to-do list… already there are over 55 million of them, so what is one more blog?

The blogosphere has changed a lot these past 3 years, and the playing field has become tougher, with the rise of micro-blogging tools as twitter, and social networking sites like facebook, which makes it easier to share your life with people, and create content. Many have announced ‘the death of blogging‘ and ‘rss is over‘ in the past, but I liked what Steve Rubel wrote 6 months ago, Blogs are out of Beta, but Bloggers should always be in Beta:’ Blogs are the new normal, everything is a blog… Bloggers, as pioneers, should always be in beta, seeking to grow and advance our beloved format, rather than be complacent.

Market of Informationvia beakdal.com

This blog was the first step I took in the public world, my lifestream in a way, and it contributed a lot to where I am now and where I’d like to be in the future. So blogging may be mainstream now (facebook is one giant blogging platform with 350 million users, no?), but we, bloggers, will always remain ‘early adopters’.

There are some people I would like to thank, and I’ll start with you – my readers, for staying loyal, commenting, creating a discussion, sharing and spreading my content. I’d also like to thank my followers, for responding quickly to my tweets with solid feedback, making the task of blogging much more fun. And last, to Sharon Gefen, WordPress guru, that helped me bring life to this site, in 30 guided minutes instead of 4 lonely hours, sometime between midnight and 3am – thank you, you’re the best!!

If you have something to say, shout back in the comment.

7 Responses to “Welcome to my new home – dvirreznik.com”

  1. 1 gal January 5, 2010 at 10:40

    welcome to the wordpress community.
    we’re glad we’re using it, and it’s a great platform. very flexibly and easy.

    congrats man!

  2. 2 Sharon January 5, 2010 at 12:05

    Was a pleasure helping you! Good luck in your new home!

  3. 3 ahuvah January 6, 2010 at 10:13

    congrats on the new blog! you have done a great job. xo

  4. 4 Dvir Reznik January 6, 2010 at 10:18

    Thanks guys and gals :-))

  5. 5 Phil Simon May 11, 2010 at 21:41

    To quote from The Matrix, welcome to the real world.

    I moved from Register.com’s site and DIY tools to WordPress about eight months ago and the increase in traffic has been tenfold.

    The new site looks great!

  6. 6 Dvir Reznik May 12, 2010 at 00:01

    Thanks Phil!
    I also saw an increase in traffic, and the wp platform is easy to manage. Pleasure meeting you.

  1. 1 Tweets that mention Welcome to my new home – dvirreznik.com | Dvir Reznik -- Topsy.com Trackback on January 5, 2010 at 10:47
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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at] gmail.com



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.