Posts Tagged 'technology'


I laughed through most of this 4 min clip, as comedian Louis Szekely (Louis C.K) is telling Conan O’brien how ungrateful people are to technology. The monologue (although he’s a guest, but Conan acting smart and letting him speak) is hilarious, and Louis goes over some of the major technological breakthroughs we experienced in the past 50 years. Enjoy!

And thanks to Hillel Fuld for RT Robin Wauters.

Welcome to my new home –

After almost 3 years and over 400 posts at Blogger, I decided it’s time to leave the nest, and join the ‘big-boys’ playground. Welcome to my new website – !

Welcome to my new homeI’ll write later this week about the migration process and the steps I took moving from Blogger to WordPress, was relatively easy. If you’re reading this via your favorite RSS Reader, please make sure you’re subscribed to the new feed I’ve updated feedburner, but you can never be 100% sure..

My first blog post was on January 17 2007, where I wrote: I wanted to open a blog for some time now, as part of this ‘web 2.0′ trend that’s flooding the web and the IT/Business scene, but there was always something else in my to-do list… already there are over 55 million of them, so what is one more blog?

The blogosphere has changed a lot these past 3 years, and the playing field has become tougher, with the rise of micro-blogging tools as twitter, and social networking sites like facebook, which makes it easier to share your life with people, and create content. Many have announced ‘the death of blogging‘ and ‘rss is over‘ in the past, but I liked what Steve Rubel wrote 6 months ago, Blogs are out of Beta, but Bloggers should always be in Beta:’ Blogs are the new normal, everything is a blog… Bloggers, as pioneers, should always be in beta, seeking to grow and advance our beloved format, rather than be complacent.

Market of Informationvia

This blog was the first step I took in the public world, my lifestream in a way, and it contributed a lot to where I am now and where I’d like to be in the future. So blogging may be mainstream now (facebook is one giant blogging platform with 350 million users, no?), but we, bloggers, will always remain ‘early adopters’.

There are some people I would like to thank, and I’ll start with you – my readers, for staying loyal, commenting, creating a discussion, sharing and spreading my content. I’d also like to thank my followers, for responding quickly to my tweets with solid feedback, making the task of blogging much more fun. And last, to Sharon Gefen, WordPress guru, that helped me bring life to this site, in 30 guided minutes instead of 4 lonely hours, sometime between midnight and 3am – thank you, you’re the best!!

If you have something to say, shout back in the comment.

Talking Innovation and Technology /w IBM Research

Just returned from a very unique gathering, held by IBM HRL (Haifa Research Labs) and IBM GTU (Global Technology Unit). The 2 divisions teamed up and invited local bloggers (~25) to an evening of technology and innovation, coupled with food & wine of course. The purpose of the event was to expose some of the work HRL researchers are doing at the various locations in Israel and what applications and services have been deployed internally, towards a future IBM Product or Service.

Coming from Big Blue I was no stranger to the innovative thinking and the endless possibilities HRL researchers posses. No wonder IBM invests $6B annually in R&D. The presentations were more like short pitches, 10-15min each, covering 3 topics:

  • Do smarter people make smarter search engines?
  • Is it all about context?
  • Shouldn’t non-techies be able to create online applications?

The crowd was very involved in the pitch, questioning possible applications and services, how metadata is gathered and filtered, and more. As a research facility, HRL are quite lucky to have a testing population of some 350,000 employees – which definitely helps shorten development cycles.Obviously I felt a strong connection to the 1st topic, being an advocate for corporate collaboration and knowledge management (E2.0). I think my 1,000+ social bookmarks are still part of IBM’s internal knowledge base (Dogear), available at the company’s intranet (w3).

In short, great event, interesting discussions and awesome people to brainstorm with.

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Mixing it up with IBM Mashup Center

There’s more to Web 2.0 than RSS, blogs and the 1,150,000,000 people connected to the internet. Web 2.0 is allowing us to bridge the gap between innovative (and social) technologies and business needs, in a simple (and code-less) way. I can take a map from Google, picture from flickr and a blog rss, incorporate them all into a single view – thus creating a new and unique service. It’s called a mashup:

In web development, a mashup is a web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool; an example is the use of cartographic data from Google Maps to add location information to real-estate data, thereby creating a new and distinct web service that was not originally provided by either source. [wikipedia]

IBM has been working for some time on develpoing a tool that would allow easy creation of mashups – IBM Mashup Center, that is now available free via IBM Lotus Greenhouse.CRN reviewed three mashup solutions: Google Mashup Editor Beta, IBM Mashup Center and Adobe LiveCycle. Here’s what they had to say about IBM Mashup Center:

IBM Mashup Center provides an easy-to-use, GUI-based method to combining maps, RSS feeds, and corporate data like customer lists into browser-based widgets. Creating a mashup here is as simple as dragging and dropping RSS feeds, mapping information, CSV files or other data sets onto a work board… IBM is targeting non-technologists—this is both less code-intensive and more business-friendly than Google Mashup Editor.

and closing with

The IBM Mashup Center provides a slightly more attractive alternative because of the platform’s flexibility and easy-to-deploy approach.

Mashups are definitely something that need to be in every CIO/CTO scope – the possibilities are endless, and those require little technical skills. Mixing up has never been so easy.
Stay tuned for my first mashup… coming soon.

IBM Mushup Center
Is Web 2.0 Ready for Business – CRN
IBM Mushup Center – demo (IBM)
The Business Case for Enterprise Mashups (IBM, pdf, 800KB)
Mashups – The new breed of web apps (IBM developerWorks)
IBM brings mashups closer to mainstream (Gartner, pdf, 160KB)

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.