LCTY Israel – details and registration

LCTY Israel event will take place on Thursday, March 20th, at IBM Israel.
You can register now at You can also check out the facebook event page, and RSVP, BUT – you must register at the official IBM site. Don’t say you didn’t know…

This year’s Lotus Collaboration event will focus on Enterprise Collaboration and Social Software. 2008 has been marked by several analysts and IT companies as the year of social software – the year in which social networking will pave its way through the corporate firewall, and into the business processes. The event will be half-day, focusing on Lotus Stragety and social software solution, and the agenda is packed!! Our BPs will showcase their solutions and we’ll host 3 Lotus managers from Europe and the US:
Alan Lepofsky from Lotus Strategy team in the US, Arjan Radder from The Netherlands and Jason Risley from Spain. We’ll also provide you a glimpse of the social software future, when a colleague from IBM Haifa Research Labs will present and demo a solution that might find its way to the Lotus portfolio…
Here’s the agenda (you can also view it on the site):
09:00 – Registration, networking and BP showcase
09:30 – Welcome, Dvir Reznik
09:45 – Keynote – Lotus Software Strategy, Alan Lepofsky, Lotus Strategy, SWG, IBM US
10:30 – Social Networking at your Business, Arjan Radder, Social Software Sales Manager, SWG, IBM South-West Europe
11:15 – break
11:30 – SONAR – bridging the social networking gap, Inbal Ronen, Collaboration Technologies Dept., IBM Haifa Research Lab
12:30 – Collaboration in Harmony – demo, Dvir Reznik, Lotus Sales & Alex Balk, Lotus Technical Sales
13:30 – WebSphere Portal – Smart Solution for a Web Portal
14:15 – Lunch

See you at the event. Don’t forget to register

2 Responses to “LCTY Israel – details and registration”

  1. 1 Ed Brill March 1, 2008 at 16:56

    That is a nice picture of Alan you have put on the invitation. 😀

  2. 2 Dvir Reznik March 1, 2008 at 22:12

    I know – it’s one of the best.. 😉

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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