I’m a YellowBleeder, are you?

Now there’s another method to reach me, other than email/IM/Connections/Blog/facebook/ST-Demo/LinkedIn/phone/mobile – YellowBleeders group. Nathan Freeman of Lotus911 (and Alan Lepofsky and Adam Gartenberg) just wrote on how you can make your Lotus Sametime client or Notes 8 embed client ‘talk’ with the social software buffs already signed-in to BleedYellow.com.

You’re welcome to ping me !

1 Response to “I’m a YellowBleeder, are you?”

  1. 1 Michael Smelser February 27, 2008 at 05:29

    Yes, I bleedyellow too! But then again I work with Lotus 911 and they would shoot me if I didn’t 😉
    See you on-line!

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at] gmail.com



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