Posts Tagged 'firefox 4 twitter party'

Firefox 4 Twitter Party

Being successful and innovative with crowd sourcing (and digital marketing for that matter) is the holy grail of ad agencies, working tirelessly in an effort to nail what works, and what’s not. Old Spice is probably my favorite example of all times, T-Mobile’s Dance and Welcome are another example, Coca Cola Village too, from an Israeli perspective.

Now I can also add Firefox to that list, with their Firefox 4 Twitter Party, which introduced the latest browser version to the world, using a beautiful visualization to encourage people to join. Every tweet which included the #fx4 hashtag was automatically added to the party, creating the FF logo, made of people’s faces. Hover over a pixel and the tweet pops out.

Firefox 4 Twitter Party

Should be interesting to see Firefox’s stats, analyze the numbers. I used Firefox for 5-6 years (mid 2000), up until Chrome came to (a stable) life 3 years ago. The party actually triggered an action for me – gonna download, give it another try.

Definitely worth visiting Firefox 4 Twitter Party site to see the logo growing.

Update [March 24]: Firefox 4 just passed 14,000,000 downloads, according to

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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