Posts Tagged 'blogference'

Impression from Blogference

First I would like to give a big congrats to IDC – for taking this task of producing the 1st bloggers conference in Israel. Another r-e-s-p-e-c-t goes for bringing top notch bloggers from the US, led by Om Malik – who was the only speaker that got the auditorium to look small…

I wanted to participate on both days, but I could only attend the 2nd day – half day, in which I participated in the 3rd workshop of the conference, entitled “Next generation of communications and information management – Web logging as an inner organizations tool”, together with Eyal Levin from IBM SWG.
Although the turn-out was a bit lower than I expected, it was quite an interesting discussion, and during it I realized that the barriers for bringing blogging inside the corporation, as well as other web 2.0 technologies, are taller than what they seem.
Don’t get me wrong – corporations understand now that web 2.0 is here to stay, and that web 2.0 is going to work, but there’s still a gap between realizing it and implementing it. And as a sales specialist managing the Lotus brand in IBM SWG (responsible for IBM’s collaboration software) – my task is to narrow that gap (among other things..).

Anyhow – it’s been quite an experience as a blogger to see that Israel is deep inside web 2.0 and we even managed to get Om Malik here. Om, one thing thou – why did you pay so much money for wi-fi access? Most coffee shops in Tel Aviv have free wi-fi (over 75%), and some shopping malls are completely covered.. Next time 🙂

See you at Blogference 2007

I think this is the first Blogging convention ever held in Israel, and as a blogger and participant it’s very exciting. IDC Herzeliya is hosting the 1st Blogference on July 1-2 (Hebrew site, English site), with an impressive list of guest bloggers, led by Om Malik, from GigaOm. Also coming to visit our small and very hot these last days (over 30 degrees C = over 90 F ) country, are Kent Alan Nichols & Douglas Sarine from, Justin Kownacki from, Jessica Ann Coen from Vanity Fair magazine, Andrew Baron and Joanne Colan from and others.

The convention will span 2 days and cover some philosophical/social/psychological questions during the 1st day (Sunday, July 1st), while the 2nd day (Monday, July 2nd) will be devoted to hands-on workshops, over 20 of them. The first day will host 3 different panels on the implications of blogging on our world, from various aspects. An interesting panel, which I’ll try to attend, is the 2nd one, entitled “The Psychology of Blogging”, presented by Dr. Amichai from IDC. Dr. Amichai has written a paper on the effects blog writing has on teenagers. Should be interesting to hear. On the 2nd day, workshop day, Eyal Levin (colleague from SWG) and myself will be speaking at the 3rd workshop that day, entitled “Next generation of communications and information management – Web logging as an inner organizations tool”. We’ll be speaking about IBM’s role in bringing web 2.0 to work, and some of our recently announced Software collaboration products, mainly Lotus Quickr 8.0 and Lotus Connections 1.0.

So, if you happen to come to Blogference on Sunday or Monday, stop by to say “Hi” – although we’re on cyberspace, “pressing the flesh” has never hurt anyone..
See you there 🙂

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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