Posts Tagged 'analysis'

Twitter grew 1,444% in a year

If someone here needed another proof to the change twitter has made, Nielsen released its Social Media QuickTake for May 2009, showing an amazing 1,444% growth in visitors – from 1.2m in May 2008 to 18.2m in May 2009. Wow! Time spent on per person (not factoring the twitter apps I imagine) has also risen – from 6min in May 2008 to 17min a year later (+175%). Both are amazing figures, showcasing the revolution twitter has made in 2008/9 – starting with The US Presidential Election, the Earthquakes in China and the Elections in Iran.

The question now is ‘what’s next’, for twitter, facebook and others, as they reach super-mass adoption, and would (obviously) prefer to avoid ‘the myspace phenomenon‘. Nielsen already noticed that the ‘month-over-month’ rate is very minor: +7% in # of users and -1% in time spent – which in social networking terms is bad. That halt in growth has to do in part to the business model, or lack of it.

Twitter is a lot of things, and I salute the guys for providing the platform and building an impressive ecosystem, but at some point in time someone at Twitter HQ will need to step up and present what they plan for twitter in 2010.

40% Y/Y growth for Enterprise 2.0 market

According to a Wainhouse Research study, recently released, the Enterprise Social Networking (ESN) market will reach $2B by 2013, with a projected 40% growth Y/Y.
The study, The Enterprise Social Networking Landscape, Volume 1: Market Dynamics, Sizing and Forecast, states that the ESN market is still in its infancy stages, reaching ‘only’ $200m.

Wainhouse Research conclusion (emphasis by me):

Social Networking in enterprise is inevitable. This conclusion is based on the benefits enterprise could achieve from using social networking technology and tracking historical adoption patterns of similar technologies.

This study is a complement report to IBM’s Strategy for Taking Social Networking to the Enterprise: An Inside Look at Lotus Connections report, released earlier this year.

In Israel, the market is still trying to understand what enterprise 2.0 is all about, and how they can harness those solutions to generate revenue. Probably the local ESN growth rate will not be 40% in 2009, but I’m positive Israel will discover enterprise 2.0 in the first half of 2009. We have excellent partners already working with a limited number of customers on adopting such solutions, building the business cases and best practices.
Wanna be an early adopter of enterprise 2.0? Now is the time to do so.

MarketWatch – Enterprise Social Networking Market Expected to Reach $2B by 2013
Wainhouse Research – Enterprise Social Networking reports
Adopt enterprise 2.0 – I want a facebook thing. I think.

[photo from]

Not scalable, SQL only, but still wanted. Why ??

Earlier this week I read an interesting article on InfoWorld, ‘Microsoft SharePoint takes business by storm‘. The article discusses how MOSS (Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server) penetrated the corporate market, reaching 17,000 customers worldwide, using a clever marketing program that entitled the solution to Windows Server customers, thus reaching 100 million licenses.

SharePoint was first introduced in 2001 to less than lukewarm reviews as SharePoint Portal Server. In 2003, a stripped-down version was offered for free as part of Windows Server 2003 R2, which made it easy for users to test-drive the software, and soon, end-user created team worksites began popping up all over corporate networks.

Indeed, excellent marketing and packaging strategy – start by giving something for free, charge the users later. When they are already deep in it, and can’t say no. At first read it can be considered a very pro-Microsoft article, when in fact it’s not that pink.
There are some black spots.

SharePoint, however, isn’t without issues that users should consider, including the fact that it does not scale well given the way it stores data in SQL Server, a concern Microsoft is working to answer in the next version likely to ship in 2009.


SharePoint does many things, but scaling is not one of them. SharePoint stores everything in SQL Server in what amounts to one universal table, which leads to lots of on-the-wire traffic and a Microsoft recommendation of only 2,000 items per list. By contrast, IBM WebSphere permits hundreds of millions of items per list.

Regardless of what platform you’re using for corporate portal, this is an article worth reading. The comments are also worth your time. Gia Lyons wrote about this article as well.

Or that its social-networking tools are considered rudimentary, that SharePoint’s portal capabilities still don’t measure up to enterprise-class platforms, and that the server takes customizations to make it truly sing.

“I think there is going to be some buyer’s remorse,” Gotta says.

About half the customers I met since starting this job some 8 months ago asked me about MOSS. I don’t tend to discuss the competition with people I meet, yet alone their disadvantages or marketing strategies, but this article opened the door for me. Between all the good things written, there are some things worth paying attention to – like scaling, supported DBs and social-networking capabilities.

The social-networking tools are uninspiring, and Microsoft is partnering with NewsGator (feed reader) and Atlassian (wiki) to cover bases, which will lead to inevitable feature clashes as SharePoint evolves.

In my opinion, the main message from this is ‘nothing’s free’. There’s always a price – either in licenses or in configuration. And I didn’t mention the SQL Servers (and only SQL) your company will need to buy to support the growing amount of data you store.

InfoWorld: Microsoft SharePoint Takes Business by Storm

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.