Posts Tagged 'רשתות חברתיות' IBM’s Webbie World

My colleague and fellow blogger Luis Suarez is at the heart of this article, IBM’s Webbie World. The article discusses on IBM’s social software adoption – how blogs, wikis, social bookmarking and community networks can improve business processes and even create new products or solutions.

In some ways, IBM’s employees are already out-Webbing even Web-based companies like Google and Facebook. IBM’s spokespeople claim it has 24,000 Facebook users and 155,000 LinkedIn users, giving it one of the biggest corporate representations on both sites.

Luis discusses his much conversed project, saying the next generation worker is looking for quicker communication tools:

… these (collaboration tools) are the ways young employees will communicate in just a few years. “There’s a next-generation of worker, and for them, e-mail is what they use to contact their grandparents,” Suarez says. “They want tools that are more instant and collaborative.”

Karen Wohl, of Wohl Associates discusses the benefits of enterprise social software, such as Lotus Connections:

A large corporation might choose to use Lotus Connections instead of Facebook and Blogger, for instance, because IBM’s software can be hosted within the company’s own firewall, safe from data breaches or subpoenas.

Deutsche Bank and the Federal Aviation Administration are only 2 examples of companies that adopted social software solutions from IBM. IBM’s Webbie World

IBM Enterprise 2.0 Solutions @ TheMarker Com.Vention

Just arrived at TheMarker Com.Vention, day 2 of this annual Internet conference, that gathers all the who’s and who’s in the local industry.

I’m at the IBM booth, showcasing IBM/Lotus solutions for ‘Web 2.0 goes to Work‘ (or Enterprise 2.0) – Social Networking, Knowledge Management, Portals and Instant Messaging Platforms.

Getting Into Social Software

The Lotus Connections guys have published an interesting article over at, titled ‘Getting Into Social Software… Take the experience of IBM‘. The piece explains how Lotus Connections services (Profiles, Blogs, Communities, Activities and Dogear) are used internally at IBM, thus making IBMers’ life easier and helping us be more productive and collaborative.

For instance, my good friend Luis Suarez, tells about his blogging experience, and how it helped him extend his network (that’s how I met Luis, through his blog):
“I have been in the company for 10 years,” says Suarez. “In the almost four years I’ve been using blogs I’ve gotten to know two to three times the number of people I knew in the six years when I wasn’t blogging, even though I’ve gone from working in the office surrounded by colleagues to working at home in the middle of nowhere.”

IBM also announced this week of a new asset available for Lotus ConnectionsAtlas. Atlas adds visualization tools to social networks at works, thus allowing for a more convenient way of representing your community.

Getting Into Social Software… Take the experience of IBM []
IBM’s Atlas adds visualization tools into to social networks at work [ComputerWorld]
Atlas for Lotus Connections []
IBM Atlas [The Connections Blog]

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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