Posts Tagged 'קהילה'

Israeli Hanuka Tweetup

If you’re following me you know there’s an Israeli Tweetup (Twitter + Meetup) this Wed (or Thu). Everything is outlined at the FB event, no point repeating it here in length, so just a quick summary:
One of my good friends across the pond said this dude is coming to Israel, and is very much into social media and collaboration – worth meeting with. Quick look at his credentials and I already commented on his Israel Visit post to start the discussion. I wanted to suggest we’ll meet over beer and burger, but what’s the point without the community?!

In just 36 hours, only social, no email/phone/sms, we managed to organize this tweetup, with 20 people attending and 36 maybe’s. We dubbed this meeting as Israeli tweetup, since we’ve been talking about doing something like this for some time now.

The details, which more of are available at fb:
Date & time: Wed., Dec. 24th, 20:30 (3rd candle of Hanuka)
Where: Tel Aviv. Aroma Namal at the moment, but probably will change to TLV University
Who: anyone who wants to come

See you there :-))

Photo: Alex De Carvalho’s blog
Twitter Israel: SeoVice

New: IBM Lotus Expeditor Wiki

Wikis are an excellent web 2.0 tool that allows free discussion and contribution from users. It’s also a great way to connect users with developers with product managers, as contributions are open to everyone, thus giving people direct access to the PM and PD teams.

Lotus has a very live and active community, that has been recognized for its contribution and support in recent times. Although the Lotus Wikis are in English, there are plenty of Israeli participants, reading and contributing to the community effort.

Lotus Expeditor wiki is the latest wiki to be published, with the same features and functions as all other Lotus and WebSphere Portal wikis: There’s a recent articles section, which can be syndicated, list of topics for easy navigation, learning section to help you get started with Lotus Expeditor, best practices section and links to external resources, such as product page on, IBM Redbooks, discussion forums, etc. Reading the wiki is free of course, and anonymous, but commenting and contributing requires registration with Lotus.

Link: Lotus Expeditor Wiki –

Jeff Schick talks to Blonde2.0

Jeff Schick, VP Social Software for IBM Software Group, visited Israel back in September, for a very intense 36 hours, during which he and Arjan Radder (Social Software Sales Mgr., IBM Europe) met with customers and analysts, talking about enterprise 2.0, collaboration within the firewall and empowering the workforce. The last interview Jeff had was with my friend and social media colleague Blonde 2.0 (aka Ayelet Noff) – talking about how IBM is embracing social media tools internally and what future technologies the market can expect from IBM in that field. The video interview Ayelet did just went live on her blog.

Blonde 2.0 – A talk about IBM’s social software technologies

MashBash Tel Aviv

Mashable, the leading social media blog with over 6 million visitors per month and 171k RSS readers is coming to Israel tomorrow, June 10, and will meet various start up companies and VCs.

Blonde 2.0 (aka Ayelet Noff) will be a guest writer for Mashable during their visit, Flixwagon will film the entire visit (interviews and party) and TheMarker will publish interviews with Mashable staff and regular articles throughout the visit.

The highlight of the visit will be the party obviously, on Wed. the 11th, MashBash Tel Aviv, a 3 hour open bar event, at Tel Aviv Old Harbor, sponsored by Yedda (recently bought by AOL) and

In the words of Mashable:

What: MashBash Tel Aviv

Why: 800 Person, 3 hour Open Bar (and snacks) on the Beach in Tel Aviv, Celebrating Israel’s Booming Tech Culture

Where: Galina Beach Club (recently fully renovated), Hangar 19, Tel Aviv Port, Israel

When: Wednesday, June 11th, 19:00 – 22:00

RSVP?: You Must RSVP through EventBrite, 800 person limit

Who?: 800 people, including the startups, Venture Capitalists, Entrepreneurs, high profile CEOs and Mashable’s Adam Hirsch.

See you there 🙂

Sharing is FUN

Google Reader has added a new functionality to its Shared Items feature – universal sharing. I saw couple of twitters about it the past 2 days, but after reading Idan’s post, I decided to take a deep breath and dive in.

So, if you’re interested (and I know you are – I’m an interesting person after all 😉 in reading the stuff I read (and like), simply add this to your RSS reader. I’ll probably ‘like/share’ more stuff at the beginning, because it’s a new (cool) thing and I’ll get excited, but it will balance eventually. Promise.

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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