Posts Tagged 'ovi store'

Nokia announces E7, C7 and C6 at Nokia World

Busy 2 days here in London, attending Nokia World 2010, trying to catch all the action, at the lectures and the Experience Lounge. I will write a longer post over the weekend, to sum-up my trip to Nokia World, but in the meantime – a few highlights.

Nokia World 2010 Keynote

Nokia World 2010 Keynote

This morning Nokia announced 4 devices (inclduing the N8 which I got to preview last month). All devices are touch-based, sporting AMOLED screens and sleek design. The C6 and C7 are almost identical, with minor differences in design and specifications. C7 is aimed higher of course, with a 3.5″ screen, internal 8GB storage and 350MB of internal memory. Both phones have an 8MP camera with an ability to take HD videos at 720p.

Nokia E7 pictures alongside iPhone 4

Nokia E7 pictures alongside iPhone 4

The E7 is a big device, weighing 170g, 4″ AMOLED display with clear and bright colors. The E7 features similar specifications as the N8, including the HDMI output and video capabilities (although shotting at 8MP, not 12MP). From a brief hands-on I had the device is most impressive, combining the multimedia capabilities of the N8 with the business value the E-Series is known for. Despite the keyboard, the device is roughly thin, a bit more than iPhone 4.

Stay tuned on @twitter for live updates.

Nokia Apps Review – Gravity and SMS Preview

I’ve been a Nokia fanatic for over 10 years now, and had the chance to review some of the latest cellphones that made it to Israel. Recently, I upgraded my private N95 to an E72 – something I promised to do last June, once the newest E-series will become available.

Nokia App Store, aka OVi Store, is often not mentioned in the same sentence with Google’s Android Market, yet alone Apple’s App Store – both more advanced (UI-wise) and offer a larger variety. Still, there are some cool apps out there, for Nokia, that are worthy a post, or two. This post is the first in a series that will review the apps I’m using on my E72 device, starting with my own favorite Gravity and my first OVi download – SMS Preview. All pictures were taken using another (free) Nokia app, Best Screen Snap.

Gravity [14-day trial, $9.95 buy]

Gravity for Symbian

Gravity Homepage

Gravity is the best twitter client available for Symbian today. Although it costs $10 ($9.95 actually), it justifies every cent. First off, Gravity is more than ‘just’ twitter. The latest version (1.30 build 6355) added Foursquare support, which is the best thing @foursquare could have hoped for – without an official Symbian app, Gravity is the only non-web method Nokia users can check-in, add places, see map and shout. Since having Foursquare in Gravity, my check-ins have increased dramatically.

Gravity for Symbian - Browse menu

Gravity for Symbian - Browse menu

As a twitter client, it’s a fully-featured piece of software, that allows you to: upload images (twitpic, mobypicture, posterous, twitgoo, yfrog, or, create/save searches, lookup a user, create groups, favorite tweets and more.  Mobile access combined with geo-tagging is not the future, it’s the present – and foursquare should assign Jan Ole (Gravity author) some stock options for helping them tap the largest cellphone audience.

SMS Preview [Free]

SMS Preview for Symbian

SMS Preview for Symbian

Back when I was previewing Google Nexus One (Hebrew) I was looking for an app that will handle SMS in an easier and more fashionable way. SMS Preview does a similar job for Symbian, by showing a full preview of the message you received, regardless of the app you’re currently in, for a defined period (5-60 sec). Double-click any key to dismiss the preview. Easy and simple solution that saves you time and helps you decide which action to take.

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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