Posts Tagged 'israel'

One day trip – Christianity in Galilee (Israel)

My good friend Arjan Radder is here, getting ready for his TheMarker Con.Vention appearance, meeting some customers and BPs as well. Since it’s Arjan’s first weekend in Israel, we’re going on a 1-day trip Saturday, up north, to the Galilee. Here’s what we’re gonna see (from Wikipedia).
Update – trip was excellent, most informative, great weather. We also visited Nazareth, site of Basilica of the Annunciation. Remember that Mount Tabor closes at 11:45 for noon prayers (opens again at 14:00), so you need to be there before that. Photos from the trip are available at the facebook album.

Mount Tabor – is located in Lower Galilee, at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, 17 kilometres (11 mi) west of the Sea of Galilee. It is believed by many to be the site of the Transfiguration of Christ and site for the battle between Barak and the army of Jabin, commanded by Sisera. It is also known as Har Tavor, Itabyrium, Jebel et-Tur, and the Mount of Transfiguration.Walking on Water – one of the miracles that the Gospels attribute to Jesus. An account of the miracle appears in the Gospels of John (John 6:16-21), of Matthew[1] and of Mark [2]. According to the Biblical narrative, Jesus sent the disciples in a boat, ahead of him, to Bethsaida, but when they were half way across the lake, Jesus walked over the lake and met them.

Capernaum – The town is mentioned in the New Testament: in the Gospel of Luke it was reported to have been the home of the apostles Peter, Andrew, James and John, as well as the tax collector Matthew.

In Matthew 4:13 the town was reported to have been the home of Jesus himself. According to Luke 4:31-44, Jesus taught in the synagogue in Capernaum on the sabbath days.

Nazareth – According to Luke, Nazareth was the home of Joseph and Mary and the site of the Annunciation, when Mary was told by the Angel Gabriel that she would have Jesus as her son. Nazareth is also where Jesus grew up from some point in his childhood.

What am I gonna do next?

First off I want to thank all the people that sent me messages (facebook, twitter and here) following my Moving on post from last week. Reading your positive feedback was pure pleasure, coming from customers, business partners, analysts and friends with whom I worked over the past 8 years. Thank you!

Some of you asked me where am I going, what am I doing next. So, here’s my answer:
As of today, I am still looking for my next challenge. The economic climate isn’t sunny at the moment, but the market is still very much active, and opportunities are always opening up.
If you have a friend, who knows a friend, who heard of an open position – here’s what I’m bringing to the table:

  • 8 years experience at IBM
  • Current (last) role: Software sales leader, for mobile, messaging, knowledge management, web-portals and social media solutions – annual sales of $1M.
  • Worked across all industries in Israel, focusing on enterprise (finance, insurance, government) but also SMB/SME.
  • Previous roles: Intranet Editor and Webmaster, Internal Comms Mgr. and IBM BP Center Marketing Mgr.
  • Familiar with marketing tactics and strategies, social media tools, market analysis and monitoring, budget allocations, interactive and advertising experience.
  • Direct and channel sales, pipeline management, generating demand, sales cycles, CRM/Siebel expertise, post-sale support.
  • Excellent knowledge of the IT market, both locally and globally, fast learner and technology savvy.
  • Almost 31, single (with a special lady), BA in Finance and MBA in Marketing, and a graduate of IBM Global Sales School.
  • Willing to relocate if needed.

I’ll be most useful to your company in two major fields:
Marketing – as a marketing manager, digital/internet marketing manager and/or marcom mgr.
Sales (IT) – software sales, sales leader/manager, account manager.

I’m well-connected, socially that is, so feel free to ask around for recommendations. If you need a formal CV, email me: dvirreznik at or send me a DM on twitter. See you around 🙂

Photo from istockphoto, licensed.

Moving on

Wednesday, April 22nd 2009, will (most likely) be my last day at IBM.
After 8 years (and 22 days to be precise) at Big Blue, I will embark into a new journey.

When I started out at IBM, at 22 (spot a recurring # here?!), straight out of the army, I already knew a lot about the company (my dad was a 30 year IBM veteran), but little about how my career at IBM will look like, or what would I like to do when I’ll grow up. At 31, with 8 years experience at the largest IT company in the world, I believe I have an answer.
IBM truly is a great place to work in, regardless of what you hear/read on the outside. Over the past 8 years, I’ve worked with some 1,500 people (1/3 of them are at my IM buddy list) under 6 local managers (and 6 European/US managers), held 4 different jobs at 2 departments, worked out of 2 HQ buildings, got my B.A in Finance and MBA in Marketing, graduated (with Distinction) IBM Global Sales School and built an impressive network of friends and colleagues, inside and outside the company.

Summarizing my time at IBM will take place at a different time, and post, but I’m happy to have had the opportunity to work with an amazing bunch of people, learning from the best and being part of a company that has an impressive past (which spans almost 100 years) and literally sets the future (PC, e-business, services and outsourcing, innovation, research, patents, SaaS and our planet) of the IT market.

Being responsible for Lotus Software Sales in Israel was the most challenging job I ever held, but at the same time the most interesting and fun. Fun – because I got to sell stuff I love, digg and totally believe in; challenging – because of the local market landscape and the competition. I believe we left a huge impact on the local market, strengthening the Lotus brand and helped our customers succeed – which is the most important thing. Working daily with our customers, solving business issues with Lotus solutions, was definitely the highlight of my work.

Through this post I would like to thank all the people – friends and colleagues, inside and outside the company – with whom I’ve worked over the years. THANK YOU! It was a pleasure knowing you and I do hope we’ll stay in touch.

I’m not a custom to linking songs in my posts, but there’s one song that comes to mind, to wrap up this goodbye post, and that is ‘My Way’, by Mr. Frank Sinatra.
Shalom, and see you around.

IBM Software Forum – Summary

Updated March 11.

The event this afternoon just ended, I’ll upload some pics next week, once I get them from our marketing pips. We had over 500 customers and business partners attending, in the six sessions, covering everything IBM Software has to offer. My presentation from today’s event is below, and also available on slideshare, but I wasn’t the main attraction of the evening.

Amir Belferman’s lecture (Amidar Housing) was excellent and provided everything the audience needed to know, including cost analysis of the various options they considered. Amir’s presentation is available online, at my slideshare space or at event page.

Niv Calderon caused some riots in the crowd, showing where the money is in social media, and why local businesses need to start taking it (more) seriously. You can watch Niv’s lecture online here.

IBM Software Forum is tomorrow – Lotus agenda

With over 600 people at the guest list, 70+ for Lotus Software only, it’s gonna be hard forgetting IBM Software Forum – but, just in case, it’s TOMORROW (Thu), at Cinema City.
The event will start at 15:00, with some social networking and refreshments, and at 15:45 we’ll break into the six sessions. The Lotus session will include three speakers – myself, Niv Calderon and Amir Belferman from Amidar Housing. Here’s what’s planned for Lotus:

See you all tomorrow 🙂

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.