Posts Tagged 'google'

Sergey Brin Q&A at Garage Geeks

The past week was filled with VIPs in Israel, and I’m not referring to George W. Bush who visited here Wednesday, and halted the traffic in Jerusalem for 2 days. The President’s Conference, hosted by Israeli President Shimon Peres, attracted the who’s and who of politics and business, and gave us little people a chance to rub against the a-listers of Time, Fortune and BusinessWeek.

Plenty of business leaders took advantage of this conference. One of them was Google’s co-Founder Sergey Brin, who joined Yossi Vardi to his periodically Garage Geeks party, hosted (quite literally) in a garage near Tel Aviv.

Here’s a fair amount of Sergey’s ad-hoc Q&A section, as filmed by Ayelet Noff.

Online Videos by

Palm to big for your palm?! and Google goes offline

I Read yesterday Palm’s latest announcement, of Palm Foleo, a new appliance, which is basically a very small factor laptop, 1.3 Kg (2.5 Pound), with a 10-inch screen.
The Foleo serves as an external display, with larger keyboard, and syncs instantly with smart phones using Bluetooth technology. An update made in your smart phone will instantly appear on Foleo, and vise-versa (giving both products are in Bluetooth range). Why? because ‘sometimes you need a bigger screen’, according to Jeff Hawkins, Palm’s founder. Will that reason suffice? not sure. In my opinion Palm are taking a big (and costly) step in entering a flooded laptop market, with a product that is inferior to most others, and only advantage being its ability to ‘always sync’ to smart phones.
In an era when everyone are seeking smaller, faster, do-it-all gadgets (like Nokia N95), I’m not sure if adding a 2nd product to a person’s bag is really the correct way… Even now people are trying to minimize the amount of gadgets they carry: mobile phone already serves as a camera, email client, mp3, calendar and address book, GPS and more.. so why go against the trend? And you have to carry both products, your smartphone and the Foleo in order to enjoy the benefits they offer..
If Palm would offer their always-sync technology as a 3rd party software, that would be interesting – and an interesting way to expand your market, with current products, but new technologies.

Google goes offline
Imagine reading your rss feeds in reader, checking your Gmail and editing a Google Docs document – offline. No internet connection needed… This is cool. In an on-going trend of making software as a service (SaaS), that requires an internet connection, the next logical step is making SaaS-O (Software as a Service – offline).
Google Gears should do just that. Announced today, Gears is still in Beta and an Open Source application that allows the community to do some testing and mock-ups, while improving its abilities to accommodate their needs.
If you plan on testing this new application, pay close attention to the install instructions..

Hottest trends and my Ego

Google Trends
Google are providing some cool tools for the average user to analyze his/her activities on the web. On top of the Reader Trends I’ve commented in the past, there’s now even an upgraded Zeitgeist, Google Hot Trends, which tells you couple of times a day what people are looking for right now.. right now!
Now you know what people looked for every single day, 4-5 times a day…
Here’s the Top 100 for Wed, May 23rd 2007:

American Idol being in the #2 place is not a big surprise, but what the hell is going on in Minneapolis with the weather (#50)?

My Ego (a.k.a Google Analytics)
Anyhow, I was looking at another Google tool, Analytics, with a new and improved interface, which illustrates your data in a more graphic way.. It’s also pretty easy to set up: just enter your url, put a JS code and you’re done.
So, obviously, all bloggers have Ego, and I wanted to know just how big mine is… 😉
From the initial analysis I’d have to say – not bad Dvir!! 190 page views in a month is not high, compared to Engadget or GigaOm, but it’s good enough for me.. and the more important figure is that over 60% of my visitors are new visitors, which means new ‘business’, and that’s always a good thing.. you know, showing growth along with the market…

There’s also a break-down by region, by source (search engine, direct, links, etc), by content and much more… try it out..

So, I do hope this post has increased my new readers, while of course maintained my loyal crowd. Shout back, so I can hear you.. 🙂

Mid 2Q Resolutions for a Connected Blogger

Google added some time ago a new cool feature to its Google Reader web based (of course) application, Google Trends.
Basically, it tells you everything you want to know about your reading trends: when you read, which feeds, for how long, how many, which day/hour, etc. There are some nice graphs as well, for those who like results displayed in a colored matrix..

I copy-pasted 2 charts I feel summarize my experience so far, and those are which day and which hour I get my fix of feeds.. Surprisingly, or not, Sundays are my preferred reading days. Surprise because in Israel, Sunday is a working day, the first of the week, not part of the weekend. I can only assume that less work is getting done on Sunday.. The weekdays are roughly the same, just over 150 items per day.. I don’t read all of them, some I just scroll through
In the next chart you can see my reading hours. I would expect mornings and just after lunch, but it appears that mornings are just not my thing. Again, no surprise there as I’m not a morning person.. Noon is almost a peak, probably because I like to have some new gossip to talk about over lunch.. 🙂 Another interesting fact – I go to sleep late !! very late! It appears that I read 150 items between midnight and 2 a.m. ! wow…
Couple of action items for self, after this short analysis:

  • Stop working over the weekends. The week is long enough, and my office will still be there coming Sunday. I really tend to work over the weekends, and I do want to cut it down.. not healthy.
  • Go to sleep earlier. Not early, we’re not 6th graders, but earlier. Like midnight, 1 a.m at the latest. It’s hard, as my better half is usually awake, working her best in those little hours of the night, but I will make an effort.
  • Working evenings. With the laptop age, that isn’t new, the office is a very relative term. It can be your office-office, your home-office, your coffee shop-office, your shopping mall-office – no end in sight.. So, for the past week or so, I decided to keep my laptop in its hand bag, and not take it out when I reach home.. Nothing is that urgent..

I’ll keep you posted on my progress.. you can call them “Mid 2Q Resolutions for a connected blogger” items. Bit long, but has a nice ring to it…

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.