Posts Tagged 'community'

SWG Community Day update

Another update for the upcoming Software Group Community Day, set for Wednesday, Sep. 5th, from 15:00 at Cinema City, Israel.

First, the event website, where you can find details on the event, the other brands’ sessions, agenda and a registration form – .

Secondly, Lotus session. There has been many announcements this past week, regarding Lotus Notes and Domino 8, Lotus Sametime 8 and the acquisition of WebDialogs and subsequent introduction of Lotus Sametime Unyte. This makes out Lotus session much more interesting. I will try to provide as much information as possible, on how Lotus strategy is affected, what will change, what are the benefits and how we intend to promote these offerings in Israel.
For the live demo part, I am planning to present you a UC2 (Unified Communication and Collaboration) demo, in sync with recent announcements regarding Lotus Sametime 8. It’s not final, so stay tuned. UC2 is gaining momentum in Israel, as many businesses, not only large enterprises, are moving towards VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) solutions. Lotus Sametime serves as an excellent platform for VoIP solutions, and can integrate with leading providers, such as Cisco and Avaya. I encourage you to watch this webcast, held by IBM with Colgate-Palmolive, on UC2 solutions.

If you have a particular request for the Lotus session, let me know.

Software Community Day – Update

I wrote about it 2-3 weeks ago, and promised an update. So, here it is.

IBM Israel Software Group Community Day will be held on Wednesday, September 5th, starting at 15:00, at Cinema City, just outside of Tel Aviv. The event will include user groups of all 5 Software Brands: Information Mgmt., Tivoli, WebSphere, Rational and Lotus. Each brand will host a 2 hour session, that would focus on updated offers and solutions.

The Lotus brand session theme is Power 2 the People and it will focus on Lotus Collaboration Strategy for the enterprise. The general concept of our session is to provide you, the end user, with the tools to increase your productivity by providing a set of collaboration tools, in the context of the work you’re doing.

Since Lotus User Group had an event during June 2007, we’ll try to focus our presentations on new offers and solutions, and give you, the end user, the opportunity to explore some of the products first hand, using Lotus Greenhouse. If you want the chance to explore the products, you must register in advance at the website .
We’re still working on allowing free Wi-Fi access for our customers at the event.

As a first step of using the tools we’re talking about, our entire session will be available on Sametime Meeting Center! In order to attend the session online (from home or from the cinema itself), you must have permission to Lotus Greenhouse – so pls register today! All registered participants will receive a user id and password for Lotus Greenhouse, approx. 1 week prior to the event.

Once you have your user id and password to Lotus Greenhouse, simply follow this link to enter SWG Meeting Day meeting. Enter you Greenhouse userid/pass and you’ll see the SWG Meeting Day meeting details, similar to the one screenshoted below. Click ‘Attend Meeting’, enter the meeting password (lotus4u) and you’re in! You’ll have to install a tiny Java plug-in, so permit your firewall as needed.

I’m looking forward to seeing you in 2 weeks time!

If there’s anything in particular you want to see at the Lotus session, comment below and I’ll try to integrate it in my presentation.

Power 2 the People

I’ve been talking a lot this past month – customers, analysts, business partners, friends and family – on how important it is to empower people. Why it is so important to provide people with the right tools so they in turn can perform more effectively. Some of the people I meet acknowledge the fact that the world will rely on real time collaboration in the near future, and that we have to act on empowering people, while others are less reluctant to think so.
It’s hard to belong to the 1st group. It’s not something the IT/CIO can take for granted, being dependent on real time collaboration, which automatically brings public IM softwares to mind, with security issues. And making that step, that giant leap, is hard.

IBM Software Group in Israel will hold a SWG Community Day, on Wed. Sep. 5th, at Cinema City, just outside of Tel Aviv. The community day will be a joined one for all 5 SWG brands – Lotus, Rational, Information Mgmt., WebSphere and Tivoli. The Lotus brand community will focus on how businesses of all sizes can harness the power of their employees, and improve their productivity, performance and eventually – happiness.

Power 2 the People is the chosen theme, and we will present a fraction of Lotus software that enables you to do just that – give Power to your people, your most valuable asset. We will focus on 3 products, 2 of them were announced a month ago: Lotus Quickr, Lotus Connections and the veteran Lotus Sametime.

The main attraction in Lotus brand day will be the hands-on session – the audience will have the opportunity to experience, first hand, the mentioned 3 products. All you need is to register and bring your own laptop.

The registration site isn’t ready yet, so I can’t post the link, but will update you asap.
If you have any request for the community day, a unique software you wish to see, product demo, particular subject you’re interested – feel free to post a comment. I’ll do my best to accommodate, but no promises…

See you there.

The people shaping our world – Time Magazine

Time Magazine has just published The 100 People who Shape Our World list.
In the spirit of ‘listing’ that’s going on in the world, this current list isn’t surprising – not the individuals who occupy it, but rather the making of it. Time needed something to cover the gap created by Man of The Year cover story, published couple of months ago, which I commented about previously.

But back to The People who Shape our World list.
In the spirit of Web 2.0, Time took one step towards their readers (who often publish their own content), and opened another list, simply put Your Time 100 list. The magazine entered 200 names into an online, up-to-the-minute, open to the public list, and gave the power to the people. And the people voted, by the numbers…
When I checked the list last week, Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert was #1, and Rain (who?!) was out of sight.. But now, Rain, a Korean R&B Singer, came in number 1, with a whopping 470,000 votes, almost 200,000 more than Colbert who came in 2nd.
I think most of you know the person who came in 3rd: Sanjaya Malakar, an American Idol 6 finalists, who left AI6 2 weeks ago, 2 months later than I expected, and later hoped
On the other hand, I liked seeing Richard Dawkins, at #7, an Atheist, author of The God Delusion, which I wrote about in my previous post.
Just to show you the immense power of the web, and who really controls it.. Readers, not editors. If you had any doubt, you can check the highly talked about scandal in, over the banning of a certain HD-DVD article…

Going back to the ‘real’ The 100 People Shaping our World list, glad to know Al Gore snatched 1st place in the Scientists and Thinkers section, for his remarkable work on Global Warming. I would like to take this chance to say that if you haven’t seen An inconvenient Truth yet, run now. Take it on DVD, clear 89 minutes, sit back and watch one of the greatest presenter in action.

I know it’s a long list, 100 bios is a lot – I’m only 1/4 ahead of you.. But if you have any interest in what’s going on in the world, who will shape it in the years to come, clear a 30-min slot and start reading. That’s what I’m doing..

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Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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