Posts Tagged 'טיול'


It’s been a great week folks, filled with interesting stories, announcements and news, but I missed out on most of them, being away on vacation in Prague. So first off, I wish to congratulate Hillel and Racheli, Ahuvah and Ouriel for the newest additions to their families. Secondly, big THANK YOU to all of you for remembering I turned 31 last week, and wishing me Happy B’day, in various methods.

I have lots of stuff to share with you from my 6 day visit to Prague, so stay tuned. It’s also been the first time I borrowed my brother‘s Nikon D50 – which put out awesome pictures, over 400 of them. Will post later this week ‘Beginners Guide to Prague’, covering the sights we saw, places we visited and liked, places we visited and didn’t like, where we ate, relaxed and drank warm wine and anything else that I’d feel like sharing.. 😉

In the meantime, a taste from Prague:
Prague Castle (largest castle in the world) and St. Vitus Cathedral

Church of our Lady Before Tyn (at the Old Town Square)

One day trip – Christianity in Galilee (Israel)

My good friend Arjan Radder is here, getting ready for his TheMarker Con.Vention appearance, meeting some customers and BPs as well. Since it’s Arjan’s first weekend in Israel, we’re going on a 1-day trip Saturday, up north, to the Galilee. Here’s what we’re gonna see (from Wikipedia).
Update – trip was excellent, most informative, great weather. We also visited Nazareth, site of Basilica of the Annunciation. Remember that Mount Tabor closes at 11:45 for noon prayers (opens again at 14:00), so you need to be there before that. Photos from the trip are available at the facebook album.

Mount Tabor – is located in Lower Galilee, at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, 17 kilometres (11 mi) west of the Sea of Galilee. It is believed by many to be the site of the Transfiguration of Christ and site for the battle between Barak and the army of Jabin, commanded by Sisera. It is also known as Har Tavor, Itabyrium, Jebel et-Tur, and the Mount of Transfiguration.Walking on Water – one of the miracles that the Gospels attribute to Jesus. An account of the miracle appears in the Gospels of John (John 6:16-21), of Matthew[1] and of Mark [2]. According to the Biblical narrative, Jesus sent the disciples in a boat, ahead of him, to Bethsaida, but when they were half way across the lake, Jesus walked over the lake and met them.

Capernaum – The town is mentioned in the New Testament: in the Gospel of Luke it was reported to have been the home of the apostles Peter, Andrew, James and John, as well as the tax collector Matthew.

In Matthew 4:13 the town was reported to have been the home of Jesus himself. According to Luke 4:31-44, Jesus taught in the synagogue in Capernaum on the sabbath days.

Nazareth – According to Luke, Nazareth was the home of Joseph and Mary and the site of the Annunciation, when Mary was told by the Angel Gabriel that she would have Jesus as her son. Nazareth is also where Jesus grew up from some point in his childhood.

Army reserve – back after Rosh Hashana

During my mandatory army service, some 12 years ago, I remember spending several holidays at the army. But this marks the first time I’m spending a holiday doing reserve duty.
So, for the coming week I’ll be less available online, as you probably noticed already if you’re following me.

It just so happens that close to my army base lies a remarkable piece of Jewish history, The Herodium Palace-Fortress, which was built by Herod the Great in A.D 23-20. If you’re visiting the Jerusalem area, pin your map for this magnificent fortress.

The photos I took are available at facebook.

Snow trip up north

After 3 serious winter days in Israel, it was time to kick-off the snowboarding season.
Every mountain over 700m experienced some whiteness, and even down south, at Mitzpe Ramon, home of the Ramon Crater, the snow piled up on the ground.

Although the Hermon Mountain was not officially open yet (opened today, Sat.), I convinced my friend to tag along for half-day travel to the north of Israel. The sights were amazing !!
The entire Golan Heights and parts of the Galilee were covered in snow, the roads icy at some sections, and the temp was low, 2-3 C. Even Nimrod Fortress got a taste of white…
We stopped by for late breakfast at this beautiful spot (Hebrew article) in Nimrod, a small village 10 min from Hermon Mountain.

[Building a snow dude]

You can enjoy some pictures here, or head over to and check out more.

[The Golan Heights in white]

I didn’t get a chance to snowboard, but no worries – by next weekend my board will have its first taste of snow, and I’ll show you some tricks

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



This is my personal blog. The postings here do not represent the thoughts, intentions, plans or strategies of my past employers or of my clients. It is solely my opinion.