It’s all about LIVE sharing

Microsoft Israel Tech-Ed 2008 started today in Eilat, and as usual the event is set to be one of the biggest IT events this year. Every year Microsoft attract thousands of customers, analysts, bloggers, press and consultants – for an event mostly known for the party on the 2nd day.

What I wanted to share with you is the excellent work Microsoft Israel are doing with respects to viral marketing, led by Lior Zoref, Digital Marketing Group. The digital group, along with Tech-Ed staff, are using every web 2.0 medium available to convey the Tech-Ed spirit to attendees and people who couldn’t join in person: blogs, videos, audios, pictures and web.

Prior to the event there was even a 5min video, explaining ‘how to persuade your boss to let you go to Tech-Ed‘. Genius.

Microsoft are also taking the blogging community seriously, and draws the equation blogger=journalist. The bloggers attended the press briefing Sunday morning, to get all the updates and guidelines. Bloggers even got some cute giveaways, such as a power expander (to charge more than one appliance), USB to Cellphone thingy, Energy Bar (to keep those fingers working) and more.

Although I compete with Microsoft on solutions, and not agree with all their tactics and strategies, they are doing an excellent job in adopting and embracing the community, which often lead to greater sympathy… and sympathy can go a long way

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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