Missing out on a super interesting week

The coming week, July 12th, is looking like one of the most interesting weeks in the last 6 months for the local internet and SU scene, second only to that week end of March.
And I’m gonna miss all of it!! Here’s what we have planned for the week. The reason for my absence is at the bottom of the post.

Monday, July 13th
Globes‘ annual Internet, Communication and Media Conference will kickoff Monday the 13th, at David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv (map). The event is sponsored by Bezeq and the.co.ils, media sponsors are TechCrunch, ReadWriteWeb, GigaOM, Go2Web20, TechAviv and The Next Web. During the event the.co.ils will hold their highly anticipated TWS2009 – the most promising Israeli web and mobile startups competition. Throughout the day, 10 pre-selected startups (that were picked by these judges) will come on stage and present their solution/service/product before a crowd of VCs, CEOs, internet evangelists and media professionals.

Other than the TWS2009 there will be some cool panels and 1-on-1 interviews: Trends in consumer marketing; Future of communication (VoIP, Cellular, IPTV and more); Twitterring of course; Building personal brands by @garyvee; How-to get eBay to buy you; Creative thinking and the highlight of the event – a video-interview with David Plouffe – Obama’s Chief Campaign Mgr. in the 2008 Presidential Elections.
Full agenda for the entire event is available here (Hebrew only, sorry).

If you have ANY interest in the local internet scene, you must be at TWS2009. The 10 startups will also present at this year’s DemoPit at TC50 coming Sep. If you are unable to attend (like me), start following @tws2009 and #tws2009 on twitter to catch all the highlights, photos, videos, announcements and excitement.

Sunday, July 12th
Like any internet event there will be a pre-event party, by invitation only, sponsored by Sequoia Capital, Sunday evening. You’re welcome to try and get a ticket here.

Saturday, July 11th
Even before that, on Saturday, Technorati founder Dave Sirfy (who’s also a judge), will host 2 photo walks at Tel Aviv, for those who fancy walks, photos and internet of course.. 😉 The first walk will be to Neve Tzedek (morning) and the second to Old Jaffa (evening). Dave was here last some 20 years ago, so this might be a good chance to catch up with him.

Wednesday, July 15th
Towards the end of the week, Wed. the 15th, the Israel Internet Association will hold a half-day event focusing on the daily implications of social media, such as GUI interactions, Creating personal branding and the effects of twitter of course. You can read more about the event and its speakers here and on facebook.

All week long
Now, why am I going to miss all those events? Well, I’ll be pre-occupied somewhere in the desert, paintballing my way to the target, while staying clear (and clean 😉 of the ‘enemy’. Among other things… Wish me luck and see you all next weekend :-))

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at] gmail.com



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