IBM Software Forum – 8 days away…

Just over a week before IBM Software Forum kicks off, we have some 50 people registered – to the Lotus session alone! The other five sessions are filling up quite fast, so it’s best to register now.
You already know what Lotus agenda will look like, but I’m still working on my presentation, the first one of the evening. I have a rough idea what I want to talk about, but in the spirit of collaboration and sharing I thought ‘hey, why not ask the community?‘.

So, this is me, asking you, the community, who will attend IBM Software Forum next Thu., what do you want to hear? what’s interests you? Just comment below, email me dvir at or send @dvirreznik. I’ll do my best to incorporate your wishes in my presentation.

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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