Lotus Connections has landed

IBM announced the launch of its new social software for the enterprise, called Lotus Connections. IBM Lotus Connections is basically web 2.0 for the enterprise, with 5 different features that allows for ‘collective intelligence’ at the organization. With Lotus Connections, web 2.0 is literally going to work, and empowers the business to be more innovative and execute quickly with customers, partners and colleagues.

Lotus Connections includes 5 attributes of social software:

  • Profiles – Find the people you need (employee directory)
  • Communities – Work with people who share common interests and expertise
  • Blogs – Present your own ideas, and learn from others
  • Dogear – Save and share bookmarks (enterprise equivalent of del.icio.us)
  • Activities – Organize your work and tap your professional network

Lotus Connections is part of IBM’s recent initiative “Web 2.0 goes to Work“, which aims at helping businesses apply Web 2.0 technologies to gain a competitive advantage.

Watch this demo of Lotus Connections at work, or click here.

There’s also additional reading material, from BusinessWeek, The Boston Globe, ComputerWorld and The Wall Street Journal. My dear Lotus colleagues have also commented about the recent announcements.

Official reading material from IBM, including deployment data, fact sheets, business case and info for business partners, goto ibm.com/lotus/connections.
You can also download a screensaver… (Windows only).

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at] gmail.com



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