Posts Tagged 'technical'

Lotus Sametime in Action

Only when you’re in a sales position you understand the meaning of the end of a quarter. It’s like everyone has another personality, that kicks in at the last 10 days of each Q. Time is always a luxury, offer to the customer was due yesterday, and everyone is on the phone/mobile/chat – closing deals.

At times like this I feel fortunate for having Lotus Sametime at my disposal. Instead of going on and on about the different attributes of the product, I’ll explain with a real life example.
Last week we learned that a customer had already started a project that involves a portal and a web content management system. Since the project was already underway, we needed to adopt ourselves to existing requirements, which meant asking for a special price. Within 12 hours (usually takes more than a day) of applying the offer, it was approved and ready to be delivered to the customer. In order to do so I had to ‘sametime’ (open a chat with) my manager in Spain, open another chat with my local manager and a final chat with my colleague in the UK, who gave the final approval. using Lotus Sametime I was able to reach all these people in an instant, since I saw their ‘Presence Awareness’ and location in my chat window. I knew that the person was available for a chat, at home or office – in 5 seconds. And with the chat history feature, both of us were right on track, with our past transcripts available as a reference.

Now imagine doing all that with emails… NOT.
If you’re working for a company that is branched across various locations (country or global), you need a tool that would enable you to collaborate in real time, within the safety of your network firewall. Lotus Sametime is your product of choice, with over 16 million corporate users worldwide, that care about security just like you. Watch more here:

Continuing on that issue, IBM Software Group will hold a 3 day Lotus Technical Workshop, also known as a PoT (Proof of Technology). The workshop will cover 3 products from Lotus portfolio: Lotus Quickr, Lotus Sametime and Lotus Connections, 1 per day.
We have a senior IT specialist coming from Madrid (he’s actually British, but works in Spain), to showcase Lotus professionals how to make their software work better, during face to face labs and (some) presentations. Participation is free, but requires registration (dvir at il dot ibm dot com). You can download a preliminary agenda here (pdf).

Mobile & Media Consultant. I help startup companies launch products to the consumer market. Reach out: dvir.reznik [at]



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